O’Keefe’s New Battleground Texas Video: Stealing Phone Numbers For GOTV

To understand what’s going on here, you need to know it’s illegal to record any information from voter registration cards for any other purpose.

But in Texas, where the Left is desperately trying to mobilize as many traditional Democrat constituents as possible in an effort to “turn Texas blue,” it appears laws are more like suggestions.

James O’Keefe and Project Veritas have been infiltrating Battleground Texas, the ACORN-esque outfit which is attempting to create a massive get-out-the-vote operation on behalf of Wendy Davis, the beleaguered Democrat gubernatorial candidate in that state, and their latest video shows some fairly blatant illegality…

This is the kind of thing that would get that organization buried under a Justice Department investigation were there an actual Justice Department willing to do its job and prosecute illegality where it exists – because this is a RICO case if ever there was one.

But there is an option that somebody in Texas – Rick Perry, Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz – could pursue. Namely, filing a RICO suit against Battleground Texas.




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