Low Popahirum, National Edition (3-25-14)

George Orwell gave us some invaluable words: Newspeak, doublethink, thoughtcrime. Given the generosity of his gift to us, it is probably ungrateful to desire that he had given us a little more, but we could use a term for what he described as the use of ‘language as an instrument for concealing or preventing thought.’ For lack of a genuine Orwellian coinage, I’ll use the word ‘antithought,’ by which I mean a phrase or expression that is intended to prevent understanding rather than to enable it. Antithought includes elements of the linguistic meme, question-begging, and attempts to change the subject.” – Kevin Williamson/National Review

“One of the most controversial provisions of ObamaCare — the mandate requiring employers to cover contraception — was debated before the Supreme Court on Tuesday, as activists on both sides of the issue clashed outside the courtroom in Washington.” – Fox News

“Behold one of the most chronically misinformed members of the US Senate surprising utterly no one with the extent of her insight into the Hobby Lobby case.  Barbara Boxer appeared on MSNBC this morning to declare her support for the HHS contraception mandate, claiming at one point that it protects the religious freedom of employees.” – Hot Air

“Quite simply, if you read a newspaper to find out about the contraception mandate cases, you will read lies. Here are the top six.” – Gabriel Malor/The Federalist

“Donald Rumsfeld, who served as U.S. Defense Secretary under President George W. Bush, blames poor diplomacy by the Obama administration for the current strained relations with Afghan President Hamid Karzai.” – CNS News

“New York Times reporter James Risen called the Obama administration ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom that we have encountered in at least a generation‘ on Friday, explaining that the White House seeks to control the flow of information and those who refuse to play along ‘will be punished.’” – Daily Caller

“Monday’s announcement by Malaysia’s Prime Minister acknowledging that missing Flight 370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean opens the door to a big question: How did new number crunching confirm the Boeing 777’s path?” – CNN

Indiana on Monday became the first state to formally withdraw from the Common Core education standards in a move that did little to appease critics of the national program, who contend the state is simply stripping the ‘Common Core’ label while largely keeping the benchmarks.” – WANE-TV

“President Obama is committing more military resources, including aircraft and special operations forces, to the hunt for notorious African warlord Joseph Kony.” – Fox News

“Republican leaders are stepping up their campaign to discredit tea party activists who are challenging them on Capitol Hill and on the campaign trail, accusing conservatives of lining their own pockets at the expense of the GOP.” – Roll Call



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