Bill Cassidy’s War Chest Is Now Larger Than Mary Landrieu’s

You read the headline correctly. And yeah, that’s a big deal.

Cassidy’s pre-primary FEC disclosure shows $5,606,889 in cash on hand as of August 2, which is down from $5.8 million at the end of June. At this point in a campaign you’re supposed to begin spending some of your war chest with four months to go before Election Day.

But Landrieu, who had $6.2 million in the bank at the end of June, is now sitting on $5,523,930. That’s a pretty major drop.

And Cassidy leads Landrieu in a head-to-head match, if slightly, based on the RealClearPolitics average. He’s at 47-46 against her.

Rob Maness’ pre-primary filing isn’t out yet. The FEC didn’t post his numbers for the better part of two weeks after the 2nd Quarter deadline, and now his disclosure has come late again. Maybe that’s the FEC’s fault and maybe it’s Maness’ fault. But we don’t know what he has in the bank today either way.

Other interesting pre-primary numbers of note…

– In the 6th District congressional race, Garret Graves is now sitting on $637,000 as of August 2. He’s beginning to spend some of the 750K he’d run up by the end of the 2nd quarter. It will be interesting to see whether that money being put out will result in Graves’ rise in the polls – we haven’t had a good poll on the 6th District race in quite a while, so our last results largely reflect a lack of name recognition for Graves compared to Paul Dietzel and Dan Claitor.

– As for Dietzel, he’s got some money issues. Dietzel’s campaign only has just under $70,000 in the bank as of August 2. That’s not enough to go up on TV. He’s going to have to depend on a grass-roots effort to get to the runoff at this point.

– Claitor isn’t in much better shape, with only $79,000 in the bank. Lenar Whitney has $66,000 in the bank. Craig McCulloch has $28,000, Trey Thomas has $16,000 and Cassie Felder has $15,000. None of them have enough money to go up on TV, and some of them are going to run out of money pretty soon at this rate. Look for at least one or two candidates in the 6th District race to get out within the next month.

– Edwin Edwards has $145,000. In a separate post this afternoon we’ll unmask his fresh list of donors, but there isn’t any particular star power in this group like there has been in others.

– In the 5th District race, it looks like Vance McAllister is going to have to self-fund if he wants to win re-election. He’s got $233 on hand; that’s it. One gets the impression nobody wants to write a check to send him back to Congress and whatever support he’s getting in the polls is solely based on name recognition – nobody else in the race really has much at this point.

– But as weak as McAllister’s numbers are, his leading Democrat challenger Jamie Mayo hasn’t even made a campaign filing since the end of last year. He showed nary a penny in his account at that point, so if Mayo has any money for his campaign we don’t know about it. One would assume Mayo, as the only Democrat in the race so far, will be able to make the runoff. One would also assume he’d lose to whoever he’s up against once he gets there if he’s not raising any money. In any event, it’s somewhat amazing that given that recent Darrell Glascock poll where McAllister and Mayo placed first and second with 27 and 21 percent, respectively, we see that between them the two leading candidates don’t show enough money on FEC disclosures to buy an iPhone between them.

– Who has money in the 5th District race? Well, Harris Brown has $212,000, though the Glascock poll showed him with only 6 percent. Ralph Abraham has $123,000; he’s at 18 percent and might end up being the candidate who breaks through. Zach Dasher is the other candidate worth watching; he’s at 14 percent and sits on $216,000. Ed Tarpley, who only has $6,000, posted nine percent in that poll and he might be getting out soon – we’re told his fundraiser quit this week.



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