Don’t Forget To Pick Up Your Ticket To The 2017 Hayride Spring Dinner, Starring Reps. Clay Higgins And Garret Graves!

The Red Bayou Show, Episode 76 – Featuring RedState And The Hayride’s Joe Cunningham

PRAGER U: There is Only One Way Out of Poverty

VINSANAU: If You Want To Close Louisiana’s Budget Deficit, Build The Bayou Bridge Pipeline

SHIELDS: Obamacare And The 2008 Crash

PRAGER U: There Is No Gender-Based Wage Gap

Trial Lawyer Suits Against the Oil and Gas Industry – Courts Are Saying They’re a Bad Idea

Join Us On April 12 For The Hayride’s 2017 Spring Dinner!

PRAGER U: Is Gun Ownership A Right?

The Red Bayou Show, Episode 74 – Featuring John Schroder

HEWITT: It’s Time For Troy Brown To Go

MCCOY: The Dangerous Love Of The Bayou Bridge Protest Movement

PRAGER U: Don’t Compare Yourself To Someone Else

PATTERSON: A Tale Of Two Tax Reforms

SCHRODER: The Governor’s Budget-Balancing Plan Isn’t A Plan At All

The Red Bayou Show, Episode 73 – Featuring The Gorsuch Nomination With Michelle Ghetti

PRAGER U: Dave Rubin Explains Why He Left The Left

The Red Bayou Show, Episode 72 – Featuring LSU Football Recruiting With Chad Laborde And Jacques Doucet

PRAGER U: What’s Holding The Arab World Back?

SCOTT: Who’s Afraid Of The Bayou Bridge?