On That Horrid Daily Caller Piece…

2010 Elections, 8/17 edition (the “Obama Plunge” reaches Washington)

Let’s You And Him Fight…

Passing The Buck: The Ruling Class Cornerstone

2010 Elections, 8/5 version

2010 elections, 8/4 version (three primaries, two close calls, and another House incumbent loses)

Our Border Is Safe And Secure, All Right

2010 Elections, 7/29 version

GOP “Mediocracy” Aims At Holding True Talent Down

Electoral landslides for dummies

WJBO Host Apparently Not All That Interested In Shirley Sherrod Story (UPDATED)

How Lame Ducks Might End Up Dead Ducks (Politically)

Louisiana Candidate Filing (Wednesday Noon Status)

It’s Election Season in Louisiana !

The “Obama Plunge” – what is it ?

The U.S. House “deems” the 2011 budget as passed

The Democrat Party: Providing Political Opportunity For Imbeciles Since 1776

What did “Super Tuesday” tell us ?

Turkish Blowback?

2010 Elections, May 28 edition (June primary preview)