Steve King Has Industrial-Sized Cojones…

…it’s almost hard to imagine how this man walks.

On the floor of the House of Representatives, King blasted the fraud-ridden Pigford II settlements the Obama administration and its allies in Congress have put forth and did his best to fight the $1.15 billion appropriation for them.

King is the first to call the Pigford II giveaway “reparations for slavery,” and he’s sure to get called a racist for his trouble. But King ought to insist on the right to criticize an appropriation for another round of Pigford settlements without being branded so. The Obama administration’s current actions amount to nothing more elegant than shoveling money the government doesn’t have out the door in an effort to reward a political constituency. It’s disgusting, it’s shameful and it’s brazen – and but for the racial nature of the Pigford settlements, it would be a national scandal of astonishing magnitude. King is one of very few leaders with the courage to speak out. More are needed.

Just to recap what Pigford is, Fox News did a segment on the case after it surfaced in the public eye when the Shirley Sherrod fiasco debuted in August…

Again – the Pigford case was settled when there were some 18,000 plaintiffs envisioned to be paid. There are now 92,000 plaintiffs attempting to score payments of $50,000 each, a figure many times larger than the total number of black farmers estimated during the time covered by the Pigford case.

This isn’t payment of a judgement, mind you – that portion of the Pigford cases has already been covered. This is a settlement agreed upon by Democrat politicians at Obama’s Justice Department and Department of Agriculture along with almost exclusively Democrat trial attorneys on the plaintiff side, and it’s being done with taxpayer dollars the government doesn’t have. Over a billion dollars has already been paid out even prior to this latest appropriation.

It’s a fraud. It’s a disgrace. And King is the only one trying to do anything about it. Remember this when he’s demonized as a Klansman or worse after word of his speech gets out.



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