During an interview with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said that Sen. David Vitter’s (R-LA) healthcare legislation, which would remove the federal congressional healthcare subsidies that are provided to Washington’s political class under Obamacare, would prevent congressional staffers and Congress from getting healthcare altogether.
But, Vitter said Reid just does not understand the healthcare overhaul at all.
“Harry Reid is delusional,” said Vitter. “Congress passed a law that says Congress must buy healthcare coverage on the exchange – and my bill forces Congress to live by the law it passed. It simply eliminates the huge healthcare subsidy that Washington elite like Reid enjoy at the expense of taxpayers – and that no other American at the same income level can get. Reid’s delusion is exactly the problem; he thinks he’s entitled to a special Obamacare exemption and he is clearly scared to vote on my amendment.”
Reid said federal government is a “major business” that, like every other business, should help their employees with paying for their healthcare.
As noted by Vitter, currently members of Congress and their staff members are still eligible to receive taxpayer funded subsidies to pay for their health care. These range from $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for a family. Those same subsidies are not available to anyone else who is purchasing the healthcare on the Obamacare exchanges.