Low Popahirum, National Edition (8-19-14)

“That Lehmberg, district attorney for Travis County, Texas, isn’t at least as famous as Toronto’s crack-smoking mayor Rob Ford is no surprise. Given how sloppy and belligerent she was during the arrest, not to mention her staggering blood-alcohol level of .239 (three times the legal limit), it is a bit odd that she was a virtual unknown outside the state of Texas until over the weekend.” – Scott McKay/American Spectator

With claims of racism, wars on women, and impeachment failing them, the Democrats are resorting to one final tactic — lawfare. A party that has had great success amending the U.S. constitution via black robes, intends to skirt the democratic processes and win election via black robes too.” – Erick Erickson/RedState

“Liberals are always touting their anti-war credentials denouncing its toll on human lives. But in Ferguson, there is one war they can’t seem to promote enough—race war.” – Ryan Bomberger/Townhall

“Meanwhile, a question regarding the protests: Is it true, as protesters have been telling the media, that the most violent actors are out-of-towners who came to Ferguson to stir things up and maybe grab some free stuff in the process? There’s no way to know exact percentages, says WaPo, but yeah, there’s definitely some ‘looting tourism’ happening:” – Hot Air

Two Missouri Democrats on Tuesday said it would be a bad idea for President Obama to visit Ferguson, Mo.” – The Hill

Jesse Jackson and other liberal activists are rolling out voter registration efforts as part of a coordinated left-wing push to sign up voters during the wave of violent protests engulfing Ferguson, Missouri in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting.” – Daily Caller

“We don’t have all the evidence and I’m hesitant to try and litigate this in the press, but there’s also this false narrative being pushed out there by folks like Michael Eric Dyson and [Al] Sharpton and the rest of the hustlers is that black men live in fear of being shot by cops in these neighborhoods. That too is nonsense. I know something about growing up black and male in the inner city and it’s not that hard to avoid getting shot by a cop. They pull you over, you answer their questions, you are on your way.” – Power Line

“Captain Johnson, your words during the day on Friday helped to fuel the anger that was still churning just below the surface. St. Louis County Police were told to remain uninvolved and that night the rioting and looting began again. For much too long it went on mostly unchecked. Retired St. Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch tweeted that your ‘hug-a-looter’ policy had failed.” – Law Officer

“At a Christian Science Monitor breakfast Wednesday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said President Barack Obama’s lawless executive actions are not high crimes and misdemeanors worthy of impeachment.” – Breitbart

“When Islamic State militants stormed into a northern Iraqi village and ordered everyone to convert to Islam or die only one person refused. But that did not satisfy the Sunni insurgents who are even more hardline than al Qaeda.” – Reuters



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