2016 presidential-hopeful Ben Carson says he has no issue with Mayor Mitch Landrieu of New Orleans removing Confederacy-related monuments across the city.
In a presser during the National Right to Life annual conference, Carson said he did not have an argument against Landrieu taking down four Confederacy-related statues, including those in Lee Circle and City Park.
“If we’re talking about things that are state or federal lands and properties and you’re talking about something that is not an official symbol of the US and you’re talking about something that offends a large portion of the public, I don’t have any argument with him doing that,” said Carson.
Though saying earlier that he worried the Confederate flag outrage revolves around political correctness, which he called “a problem,” Carson said he would only have an issue if Landrieu banned citizens from flying the Confederate flag on their own private property.
Carson said he does have an issue with private companies like Amazon removing Confederacy merchandise and even mentioned TV Land’s decision to take the “Dukes of Hazzard” off the air.
The statues Landrieu is looking to remove are General Robert E. Lee Monument, known as Lee Circle, the General P.G.T. Beauregard Equestrian Statue, the Jefferson Davis Monument and the Liberty Monument.
On a more abortion-related note, Carson spoke about his disdain for Planned Parenthood’s attempts to portray themselves as a healthcare provider, saying that the abortion-provider’s main purpose was “to exterminate.”
Carson said New Orleans residents should understand the management team behind Planned Parenthood, referring to the organization’s president Cecile Richards, before they allow the organization to expand inside the city.