The Red Bayou Show, Episode 50 – Featuring That Guy Who Does The TundaMinous Videos!

For the 50th episode of the show, Scott McKay and Brian Haldane break from politics to have some fun. They welcome Ash Reese, creator of the Tundaminous, to talk about his hit youtube series. The guys talk about how he came up with the concept for the Tundaminous, what the reaction has been, and what else Reese is working on. Aside from his beloved Tundaminous, Ash has been creating Cajun versions of other cartoons and infomercials. A few of the ones that were mentioned in the show were Ro-Bear (a Cajun robotic Teddy Ruxpin), Billy Mais-La aka Billy Mays, and the Pai-Yow from T-Vince, originally the Slap Chop. Ash even gives the guys a sneak peek of what’s to come from the GeauxBots.



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