Why Ted Cruz’s Stand Against Trump Is So Important

Ted Cruz may never be the President of the United States. But he can sleep well at night and he has created a test of character that few Republicans will pass.

Wednesday night, Cruz said three little words that has sent the Trump cult into a frenzy: “vote your conscience.” Since then they have responded with a hate on social media that has lasted for days. They have been joined by the usual pack of careerists and opportunists who have climbed aboard the Trump train to help themselves.

It’s important to put Cruz’s stand in context by contrasting with two of his former presidential rivals who also spoke that night.

First up, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker came on stage to kiss Trump’s ring. His remarks were targeted at those Republicans who still harbor counter-revolutionary thoughts and who do not yet love Donald Trump.

“Last August, I said that any of the Republicans running would be better than Hillary Clinton. I meant it then, and I mean it now,” Walker said. “So let me be clear: A vote for anyone other than Donald Trump in November is a vote for Hillary Clinton.”

Next up, the junior Senator from Florida, the careerist appropriately called “Little Marco” by Trump spoke via video. Little Marco spoke for 90 seconds on video because he didn’t have the courage to be at the convention itself. He tried to build up Trump’s national security credentials, which consist of asking U.S. troops to commit war crimes and handing Eastern Europe to Vladimir Putin.


After these two pygmies spoke, it was almost certain the fix was in. To top off the GOP’s submission to Trump, Ted Cruz was to come out and endorse Trump. What he did instead was defend the conservative principles the GOP used to stand for before it became the home of a fascist cult. While doing so, he systematically destroyed Trump’s entire narrative and agenda without even mentioning it.

“Government decrees and the people obey, but not here. We have no king or queen, we have no dictator, we the people constrain government.  

Our nation is exceptional because it was built on the five most beautiful and powerful words in the English language, “I want to be free.”

Cruz also paid verbal tributes to the religious freedom of Muslims, told gays their rights were protected under the Constitution, and told blacks their lives matter.

Then Cruz used the following Kryptonite on the Trump cult:

If you love our country, and love our children as much as you do, stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom, and to be faithful to the constitution.

The Trump GOP then booed loudly. They know deep down that supporting Donald Trump is unconscionable and Cruz had revealed that they were emperors with no clothes. It is also a party that no longer supports freedom and the Constitution, especially if they conflict with the wishes of its Supreme Leader, Donald Trump.

If you love liberty, the Republican Party is no longer your home. That is clear after last night. The GOP has the stench of being tainted by a fascist cult and has become the old, sick dog that needs to be put down to end its suffering.

This was one of those tests of character that so many Republicans have failed this year. But one man didn’t and we should be grateful to Ted Cruz for shining the light on the character of so many people.



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