AUDIO: Michael Berry On Hillary Clinton And Urban/Police Shootings

Yesterday afternoon, after the tragic shooting in Tulsa and as the shooting in Charlotte was playing out, Hillary Clinton made a comment on the Steve Harvey show that if black voters would come out for her she would be able to “speak directly to white people” about the need to improve policing.

How that would prevent what happened in Charlotte, where a black police officer attempting to serve a warrant on a dangerous criminal ended up shooting what turned out to be an armed black man (a gun was found at the scene belonging to the victim; it’s unknown or in dispute whether the victim pulled it on the cop and even if he did there are reports the cop was in plainclothes, which would place the case within the realm of tragic misunderstandings) in a city with a black police chief, is unclear.

What Hillary Clinton has to offer anyone, black or white, on the issue of urban violence and police shootings, is unclear. One suspects that a dialogue in which Hillary Clinton assumes the role of advocate for downtrodden black people to discuss with white suburbanites what steps they need to take to solve police shootings will only end discordantly.

In any event, yesterday evening Michael Berry picked up on Clinton’s comments, and expounded on the subject of police shootings and where they come from. Berry was less concerned with the specifics of Tulsa or Charlotte or the other high-profile cases and instead put his focus on the environment in America’s cities which produces them.

It’s excellent radio. It’s fearless and provocative. The instinct of those who won’t share Berry’s point of view is that he’s being racist – he imitates black callers he’s had on his show who have complained about being disrespected by police who pull them over, which won’t come off as very politically correct – but if you listen to the whole thing what you’ll note is that Berry’s sympathies lie with the real victims of the violent urban environment in America, most of whom are black.

He’s tired of the status quo and he expresses that fatigue perfectly.

Listen (and our apologies if the sound quality isn’t perfect; we’re not audio engineers here; if you’re looking for a clearer audio, click here and go to about the 28 minute mark)…



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