Has Trump Really Picked Up 13 Points In The ABC-Washington Post Poll In Little More Than A Week?

Why, yes. Yes he has.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has overtaken Democratic rival Hillary Clintonfor the first time since May in the ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll.

Trump has a 1-point lead over the former secretary of State, 46 to 45 percent, as of Tuesday morning.

Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson registers at a new low of 3 percent, while Green Party nominee Jill Stein rounds out the field with 2 percent.

Fifty-three percent of likely voters have “strong enthusiasm” for Trump, according to the poll, while 45 percent feel the same about Clinton.

Clinton led Trump by 1 point, 46 percent to 45 percent, in the same poll over the weekend. She held a 12-point lead, 50 to 38 percent, in the poll just more than one week ago.

Voters voiced more enthusiasm for Clinton’s campaign, with 52 percent saying they had “strong enthusiasm” for her and 49 percent stating the same of Trump.

The Washington Post/ABC News conducted its latest poll of 1,128 likely voters via cellphone and landline telephone interviews from Oct. 27 to 30. It has a margin of error of 3 percentage points.

It should be said that the movement in the ABC/WaPo poll isn’t replicated across the board. Other polls have shown a lot less. The Investors Business Daily tracking poll had Clinton up 3 on Friday, up 4 on Saturday, up 2 on Sunday and up one point in the past two days. Rasmussen moved from Clinton +3 to even from Monday to today.

But it does look like Trump is gaining on Clinton and, with the FBI reinvestigation filling the airwaves, perhaps feeding off the lost momentum in the Clinton campaign. The RealClearPolitics average…


Trump is on the move.

Of course, a stronger GOP candidate would never have been behind in the first place and the recent revelations would have led to a Democrat rout up and down the ballot. So there is that. But that’s not what we have, so perhaps we might be hopeful that maybe the American people are deciding they’d like to address the urgent need to put the Clinton machine out of business first before tackling the problem of Trump later.



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