Ding Dong, The Wicked Fundraiser Is Dead

From The Hill, Harry Reid isn’t going to be fleecing suckers on St. Charles Avenue on Saturday after all…

The controversial New Orleans fundraiser for Majority Leader Harry Reid has been called off as the Senate is expected to remain in session over the weekend to deal with the healthcare bill, according to an official with his campaign. Reid (D-Nev.) was scheduled to attend a Saturday brunch co-hosted by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) and Democratic consultant James Carville at the New Orleans home of investor David Voelker.

The typical denials and CYA have issued forth, but the long and short of this is that the publicity surrounding this event in New Orleans has made it poisonous for both Reid and Landrieu both in Louisiana and in Washington, and as such Reid is cutting bait. No word on how ticket sales for his $1,000-a-plate fundraiser on St. Charles Ave were going, though one imagines they would likely have been a tough sell.

Particularly given the demonstration outside Voelker’s house that was planned by various associated Tea Party groups…

Are you unhappy with Senator Mary Landrieu? Baton Rouge Tea Party, along with Tea Parties from around Louisiana, will be gathering in New Orleans on Saturday, December 12th 2009, to give Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) a real Louisiana welcome to their elite fundraiser on exclusive St. Charles Avenue.

We want Senator Reid to know how much we appreciate him using $300 million of our money to buy Senator Landrieu’s recent vote on the health care bill, and we want Senator Landrieu to know how much we appreciate her voting against her constituents. As this is the Holiday season, we will be singing appropriately-reworded Christmas Carols for their enjoyment.

The gathering will start at 10:00am on the neutral ground (median to non-New Orleanians) at Toledano and Pleasant Streets, between St. Charles Avenue and Prytania Street. We will progress from there down to the fundraiser for some caroling and speeches. Everyone is encouraged to bring holiday-themed signs and banners.

Parking in uptown New Orleans is very scarce, and we do not want to inconvenience the neighbors. Therefore, we ask that participants please park away from the event and take the streetcar. It’s a wonderful ride!

The streetcar runs from downtown along the St. Charles Avenue and up South Carrolton Avenue to Claiborne Avenue. On Saturdays, the streetcars run about every 15 minutes. Fares are $1.25 per person per ride. The route and stop schedule can be found here.

We will be meeting at 8am at the Seigen Lane Walmart and convoying to New Orleans. It would be great for all drivers to fly a car flag in the convoy parade to New Orleans. We understand that the American Car Flags are almost non existant in the stores, so we ordered some and will be selling them before our drive to New Orleans.

If you are planning on attending this event, please log in to our website and use the red “enroll for this event” option in the upper left corner.

The Hill article says Reid is going around acting hurt:

“I think that this debate has really come to a point that I’ve rarely seen in the Senate — in fact, I’ve never seen it — to have my friends on the other side of the aisle come to the floor and in some way try to embarrass or denigrate me,” Reid said, according to a transcript. “But they should understand, any events I had scheduled this weekend have been canceled. Events I had last weekend had been canceled. Four or five of them.”

Reid said he would never admonish a fellow senator for holding a fundraiser. “I would never, ever intentionally come to the floor and try to talk to somebody about having had a fundraiser and that’s why they’re trying to get out of here,” he said. About taking the weekend off, Reid added, “I thought it would be appropriate because we’ve worked pretty hard here to have a day or two off.”

It’s amazing how this man can play the aggrieved party on Thursday after equating those who disagree with him on socialized medicine with pro-slavery and anti-women’s suffrage people on Monday. But that’s Reid for you. And he won’t be coming for anyone’s money in Louisiana on Saturday – at least not in person.



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