As readers of this site know, I’ve responded to RNC Chairman Michael Steele’s corruption and incompetence by launching and exposing disturbing new evidence of his misdeeds.
The response to this from RNC members has been mixed, to say the least. You would think, though, that most RNC members would at least examine the evidence honestly and respond with courtesy. At least, that’s what you would think if you didn’t know much about the RNC.
Unfortunately, the RNC is largely composed of elitist, self-important people who care much more about the cocktail parties and meeting famous people than they do about our party’s goals and integrity. For them, RNC membership is a perk, not a job. While I’ve gotten some encouraging responses and some people who say “I’m with you,” I’ve gotten more responses like these:
Take my name off of your computer and go crawl back into your cave.
As a member of the RNC I find your email quite offensive. Unless you have walked a mile in my shoes then you have no right to ask for Michael Steele’s resignation. You have undoubtedly never been to an RNC meeting, worked with the RNC, or know much about the RNC.
Your pathetic weaving of the truth is very clever. As is the identity of your financial supporters and pushers—those 5-8 RNC delegates and former Vendors who are hiding underneath your skirts—Especially Mr. [snip] and [snip]. What you are doing is at the heart of what is hurting and undermining the Republican Party, and you and your “clueless” supporters will eventually end up….…where you belong.
I don’t know who you are and don’t know why you are on a mission to “dump Steele.” As you are a non-member of the RNC, I am questioning your motives and your reasoning.
Please remove yourself from the Beltway mentality and talk to Republicans who don’t make their livings off the RNC and hopefully your views will change.
Why should I listen to your bull?
In other words, there are two primary responses:
- “How dare you, an ordinary conservative GOP activist, have the gall to express your opinion to me, an exalted RNC member?” and
- “You can’t be an activist — you must really be getting paid to do this by out-of-power consultants in DC who used to get RNC contracts under the Duncan administration and now don’t.”
In light of comments like these, I think that DumpSteele is going to have a longer-term mission in holding RNC members accountable, as there is currently no one who does this. It’s important to remember that they elected Steele and are therefore ultimately responsible for his actions. When conservatives say that their party is out of touch, they really don’t even scratch the surface of the problem.
As such, I’ve just purchased We’ll see what the future holds for that spot.