Mary Fights Back At High Noon

From a release by Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office…

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu, D-La., will head to the floor of the U.S. Senate at 1p.m. today to outline why she fought so hard for the inclusion of the $300 million Louisiana Medicaid provision in the Senate health care reform bill. Landrieu will refute misinformation being spread by opponents of the bill and disclose the details of the multiple requests made by Louisiana’s Republican

Governor, Bobby Jindal — from the first meeting at the Governor’s Mansion to its inclusion in the Senate health care bill.The Senator will also make available documentation that accompanied the process, including correspondence and letters from the Governor and every member of Louisiana’s Congressional Delegation — all of whom supported the Medicaid fix.

Following Sen. Landrieu’s floor speech there will be a pen and pad for members of the media in the Senate Print Press Gallery.



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