Pickings And Choosings, Feb. 4 Edition

A few highlights from around the web today…

BARONE DECLARES GLOBAL WARMING DEAD: In a terrific piece on RealClearPolitics.com, Michael Barone points out the multitudinous frauds and foibles surfacing from the anthropogenic global warming advocacy movement and opines that it’s finished as a politically-viable agenda. Perhaps the Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the White House will take heed.

EARLY INDICATIONS SAY KIRK LEADS GIANNOULIAS IN ILLINOIS: As the New York Times has an article indicating Democratic misgivings of their senatorial nominee Alexi Giannoulias in Illinois, a just-released Rasmussen poll has Republican Mark Kirk leading Giannoulias by six points, 46-40. The early Illinois results contribute to a growing, though admittedly dim, possibility that the GOP could pick up as many as 12 Senate votes and might end up with a majority by next January.

CHICAGO POLITICS ON BEHALF OF GOVERNMENT MOTORS? The Toyota recall issues are in full flower, and so are questions about whether the federal government’s new stake in General Motors is driving its tough talk on the Japanese automaker. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood’s quote that owners of some five million Toyotas “stop driving it” seemed to dovetail nicely with GM’s new ad campaign offering $1,000 in cash-back for Toyota owners. The Kansas City Star’s Yael Abouhalkah points to this week’s events as a reason why it’s a really bad idea for the federal government to have an ownership stake in GM. He’s spot-on correct.



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