Continuously updated as the session commences:
David Vitter, quoting an old guy from Mamou he met this week: “I’ve been a Democrat all my life, but this president and this administration are radical, and they scare me.”
David Vitter: “I’ll take a TV personality over a community organizer every day.”
David Vitter: “The GOP is the vehicle for conservative governance, but Tea Party movement is the fuel for that vehicle.”
Rick Santorum: “Washington only listens in November.”
Rick Santorum: “In 2006 and 2008 conservatives didn’t fail America, conservatives failed conservatism.”
Rick Santorum: “We have opened our arms to the enemies of America.”
Rick Santorum: “It can’t just be about more government. Because WE were about more government.”
Rick Santorum: “America is not a country based on ethnic heritage. America is an ideal. You can be from Louisiana and go live in Italy for 50 years and you’ll never be an Italian. But when my grandfather came from Italy, he became an American.”
Rick Santorum: “Barack Obama wants to change who we want to be.”
Rick Santorum (on the possibility of a constitutional convention): “It’s not the Constitution that’s the problem. It’s the courts that are the problem.”
Steve Scalise: “You’re participating in the re-emergence of the Republican Party as the dominant political party in America.”
Steve Scalise: “What are we doing with all these czars? We ought to be sacking these czars.”
Steve Scalise: “Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose your job. Recovery is when Nancy Pelosi loses her job. Recovery starts in November.”
Steve Scalise: “We know just how fragile our Republic is right now.”
Mike Pence: “Republicans are back in the fight and back from the right.”
Mike Pence, in response to President Obama’s invitation to “go for it” in attempting to repeal Obamacare: “Mr. President, COUNT ON IT.”
Mike Pence: “We cannot rest, we cannot relent until we win back the American Congress for the American people.”
Mike Pence: “We need to campaign as conservatives. We don’t just need a Republican majority on Capitol Hill, we need a conservative majority on Capitol Hill.”
Mike Pence: “History teaches that weakness arouses evil.”
Mike Pence: “America stands with Israel.” The Ron Paul contingent proceeds to boo him, only to be shouted down.
Mike Pence: “Get government under control, get government out of the way, and America will come roaring back.”
Haley Barbour: “We know we’re here dealing with a man-made disaster.”
Haley Barbour: “We can’t wait until 2012 to start taking our country back.”
Haley Barbour: “In Washington, the idea that you could cut spending sends cold chills up their spines. Those of them who have spines, that is.”
Haley Barbour: “The American people know you can’t spend yourself rich.”
Haley Barbour, on Bart Stupak’s announcement that he won’t run: “I hope he said he’s sorry.”
Haley Barbour: “How do we win in 2010? Stick together.”
Haley Barbour: “You can’t elect Haley Barbour governor of Vermont.”
Haley Barbour: “I’m up here more as a former party chairman than as a governor.”
Herman Cain, on Jeanine Garafalo’s accusation that the Tea Party is a racist movement: “I had to go look in the mirror to see if I missed somethin.'”
Herman Cain: “We the people are still in charge of this country!”
Herman Cain: “In 2011, there might be a dark horse candidate you don’t know about.”
Bill Cassidy: “I tell people gastroenterology is very good preparation for Washington.”
Ron Paul: “If we didnt do anything else but elect people who would respect the constitution, we would get out of this mess in not time.”
Ron Paul: “If we Republicans were so committed to cutting spending, where were we when we had the chance?”
Ron Paul: “The reason why the American people have awoken…is because the country is broke and people in Washington won’t admit it.”
Ron Paul: “Remember the old days when our party platform said to get rid of the department of education?”
Ron Paul: “The Federal Reserve is more powerful than the president.”
Ron Paul: “There’s a revolution on college campuses….and they’re not looking for handouts, they’re looking for freedom.”
John Fleming (on a federally-funded study which paid college kids to drink malt liquor and smoke marijuana): “I think they would have done it for free.”
John Fleming: “When it comes to liberals in Congress, you cannot change minds. You can only change the people who represent us in Washington.”
Thad McCotter: “With the help of the Republicans in the south, we will all rise again!”
Michael Steele: “You can’t please everybody, but you can make them all mad at the same time.”
Michael Steele: “We live in a time when the Constitution has lost its sway over those who would govern us.”
Michael Steele: “Bye, bye, Stupak.”
Michael Steele: “We are not in a nanny-state induced coma like Europe.”
Michael Steele: “I have made mistakes.”
Michael Steele: “If you don’t Tweet, learn how. Call me – I’ll help you.”
Michael Steele: “It’s never too late in America.”