Vitter Holds Fish And Wildlife Nomination In Retaliation For Moratorium

from a release out of Sen. David Vitter’s office today…

U.S. Sen. David Vitter today announced a hold on Dan Ashe, President Obama’s nominee to head the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Department of the Interior, until the department issues at least fifteen deepwater exploration well permits and complies with his other previous requests for answers on the permitting process.

“Louisianians are desperate to get back to work.  Filling those jobs is my top priority, and that has to come first.  I love fish and wildlife, but my top priority is to stop the economic devastation caused to humans by the moratorium.

“The Interior Department has destroyed jobs in Louisiana, contributing to the bankruptcy of at least one major employer, and is breaching contracts with other employers and putting taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars.  On top of that, the department is now ignoring a federal court’s contempt order and has consistently refused to answer my straightforward questions about delays in the permitting process.  The department’s actions are not only harming Louisianians, but are significantly increasing the federal deficit by cutting off a major source of revenues that would otherwise be generated from offshore energy exploration,” said Vitter.

In the first six months that the moratorium was in effect, unemployment increased in Louisiana even as the national unemployment rate declined.  Last week, Seahawk Drilling, the second largest shallow water drilling operator in the Gulf, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  That announcement came on the heels of federal judge Martin Feldman’s ruling holding the Interior Department in civil contempt for its refusal to comply with his earlier injunction against the offshore drilling moratorium.

Vitter’s hold on Ashe is now his second hold on an Interior Department nominee.  He is also holding NOAA chief scientist nominee Scott Doney over similar concerns.  Vitter is still awaiting a full and satisfactory written response to his November 2010 letter to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar regarding the continuing de facto drilling moratorium and his letter earlier this month to Deputy Interior Secretary David Hayes regarding breach of contract claims against Interior by current Gulf drilling operators.

Video of Vitter’s opening statement at Ashe’s nomination hearing may be viewed here.



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