Yesterday, we had a post on the Hayride about former SEIU boss Steven Lerner and his plans to take down the economic system with things like mortgage and student loan strikes and exporting the chaos in Wisconsin to places like Wall Street.
Glenn Beck, who had the audio of Lerner’s manifesto, did a substantial piece on the subject on his TV show yesterday, adding the tidbit that while it was reported Lerner had been turned out of office at SEIU when Andy Stern was put to pasture as the head of that union in November repeated attempts to confirm he’s no longer there failed. In other words, Lerner might still be with the union.
The significance of that question is undetermined at this point, but it is worth noting considering this video…
The backstory behind this is that the CEO of the bank is also the chairman of the board at the Pocono Medical Center. And the hospital’s position is that it supports an “open shop,” meaning that employees can join a union if they want but membership and dues aren’t compulsory. SEIU is a lot more interested in a “closed shop,” meaning that to work there you have to join the union and have your dues deducted from your paycheck.
The CEO isn’t interested in sitting down with SEIU, so the hospital workers went on a three-day strike. And during that period last week, they rushed his bank – as you can see on the video.
This is par for the SEIU course. Our readers might remember the sordid scene last year when a gaggle of SEIU goons took up residence on the front lawn of a Bank Of America executive, terrorizing his teenage son who was home alone with a rowdy, chaotic demonstration. That demonstration was reportedly organized by Lerner; this one in Pennsylvania last week sure is reminiscent of it.