Who Does Rep. Eric Ponti Work For?

We finally have a Representative who is more than willing to stand and be heard. He no doubt works for his constituents and everyone in Louisiana that is concerned with the financial problems facing our state this budget cycle.

Three weeks ago HR 27 introduced by Rep. Brett Geymann (R), from Moss Bluff, La., passed by a large majority vote of the House.

The new House Rule HR27 requiring a 2/3 vote for use of one-time money for recurring expenses under certain conditions demonstrates we have Reps. ready to hold the Administration accountable to Louisiana citizens.

Budget issues continue to be the center of attention as the session draws close to an end. The Governor has stated again that he opposes the new House Rule HR27.

An attempt to repeal the new Rule will take place on Tuesday, 6/14, in theHouse and Government committee with HR 43 by Rep. Ponti.

Are we to think our Reps. are looking after Louisiana’s best interest, or are these elected officials playing a game of chess with our fiscal well being?

Many citizens showed their strong support for Rep. Geymann’s House Rule change and I believe those citizens will voice their displeasure in Rep. Ponti’s attempt to reverse this action. The call has gone out for citizens to oppose Ponti’s measure come Tuesday and stop this legislation from ever making it out of committee.

I know who Rep. Geymann works for, it’s time Rep. Ponti’s constituents ask him who he works for, them and all Louisiana citizens, or Gov. Jindal and his administration?



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