The ‘Loopy’ Cornerstone Speech

Watch this and judge for yourself.

The Left is screaming about how Perry was drunk or on drugs or whatever, largely based on a few clips out of this 25-minute speech that make him look goofy when taken out of context.

But if you watch the whole thing, it doesn’t really come off that way. At least, I didn’t think so. I thought he showed a lot more personality, passion and humor than he ever did in the debates. Is he a little goofy? Is he channeling a non-vulgar George Carlin? Yeah, maybe. But the persistent popularity of Herman Cain and the rather low ceiling of central-casting candidate Mitt Romney shows that the GOP electorate isn’t really looking for polish; it’s looking for a real human being.

We already have the world’s best reader of teleprompters in the White House. That’s a disaster. Instead, a guy who might be a little goofy but has actually been successful at running things might be an improvement.

There’s a Rasmussen poll in Wisconsin which shows Perry ahead of Obama, 46 to 42. Nobody there saw this speech. Who knows whether it helped or hurt.

Anyway, the crowd seemed to like the looser Perry…



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