Evidence That Mitt Romney Could Be The Whitest Man In America

Newt Gingrich likes to refer to Mitt Romney as a moderate from Massachusetts. Well, one things for sure–the boy ain’t from Mississippi. He could possibly be the anti-Elvis.

Nothing brings that point home than his rendition of “America the Beautiful.”

To be fair, Romney isn’t really trying to sing the song, which I imagine is a good thing. Maybe it’s this could be his attempt at the talking blues, only it isn’t.

If you have to explain a song to someone instead of actually singing it, why even bother?:

If Gingrich is smart, he will put parts of this video into an attack ad against Romney to run in South Carolina and other southern primary states. He could end the ad with the tag, “How white do you want the White House, really? Vote for Newt Gingrich, a Georgia boy.”

Maybe Herman Cain, another Georgia boy, could give Romney a few lessons to help him out. It’s moments like this that endear my southern heart to Cain. The guy might be outta the presidential race, but kudos to him for injecting a little needed soul into the Republican Party:



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