When we picked up on the first Day One video Romney’s campaign put out we mentioned that they needed to make the spot into a series of Day Ones – because there’s a whole host of things people want to see Romney do.
And these Day One ads are good, because if you’re a Republican you want to show folks what it would mean to elect you. Obama got elected in 2008 on a bunch of patently false, airy promises with zero specifics to them, and a Democrat can get away with it if he’s not pinned to the wall on precisely how to slow the rising of the oceans, for example.
Thank John McCain for that.
Romney, on the other hand, can rely on the fact that while people might still be uncomfortable telling pollsters they think Obama’s a jackass they’re not on board with Obama’s policies and they know those policies won’t work.
The first ad mentioned the Keystone XL pipeline, tax reform and ending Obamacare. This one has three new changes to offer…