Before And After?

Cheech & Chong’s Things Are Tough All Over wasn’t one of their best movies. By their standards it kinda sucked.

That said, the scene when the Arab-type dude who runs the car wash they work for gets a hair transplant is golden. We’ll do that in a second.

But in the meantime, we have this guy

The economic issue is one of the [most] important factors in the American people’s decisions to vote, while none of the US presidential candidates, neither Democratic nor Republican, have presented a solution yet to break the economic stalemate they have reached.”

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the saber-rattling of the US Republican presidential candidate against Iran is aimed at diverting the US public opinion from ‘the grave’ domestic issues.

“The economic issue is one of the [most] important factors in the American people’s decisions to vote, while none of the US presidential candidates, neither Democratic nor Republican, have presented a solution yet to break the economic stalemate they have reached,” Brig. Gen. Vahidi said Thursday…

…In an interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Romney said, “We will employ every means short of military power. We recognize that if all means are exhausted and fail, a military option will have to be considered.”

Yeah, yeah, One more fanatic fig-eatin’ Irantard runnin’ his mouth.


Except here’s Ahmad Vahidi’s picture…

And here’s Cheech’s character who owns the car wash after he just got his plugs…

That’s a before and after if ever there was one, right?

OK, as promised, this is the scene after Cheech’s car wash dude gets his “procedure” done…

Things Are Tough All Over takes place in Detroit. But that could be Tehran, right?



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