Media outlets like MSNBC and Talking Points Memo spent today trying desperately to portray Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) as a kooky, crazy conspiracy theorists.
Naturally, anyone paying attention is not buying it.
Here’s what Fleming said about Democrats’ immigration policies: “So in many states, the only thing that are required to vote is simply an ID, well they’ll have one,” Fleming said. “So make no mistake about it, that this is a part of a grand plan for the Democrat Party to make this nation into a single-party state, as they have already accomplished in California, and you see the devastating impact it’s having there.”
What Fleming said is one many GOP-ers and conservative pundits have been saying for years and years about the comprehensive immigration reform and President Obama’s immigration policies.
Ann Coulter, Breitbart News and every other conservative pundit has berated the Obama administration for attempting to use illegal immigration as a way to win over a majority of Hispanic Americans.
This is hardly a conspiracy, as the late liberal Teddy Kennedy was a prominent policy leader is bringing in more immigrants and then immediately persuading them to vote Democrat.
But, as MSNBC sees it, Fleming is a “far-right” conspiracy theorist.
Fleming is also known for occasionally dabbling in strange, right-wing conspiracy theories, including his allegations a couple of years ago that the Arms Trade Treaty at the United Nations would “literally change” and “essentially repeal” the Second Amendment. (In reality, the treaty would do neither.)This week, however, Andrew Kaczynski reports that the Republican congressman has combined his anti-Obama animus with his affinity for conspiracies.
If Fleming is a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that Democrats have ulterior motives when it comes to their open-borders immigration policies, then that makes the majority of Republicans in Washington conspiracy theorists.
Additionally, MSNBC acts as if this suggestion has never been brought up before, though it has been discussed ever since Obama took office.