“Grave incompetence or brazen dishonesty? Those are the only two conclusions one can reasonably come to after reviewing Hillary Clinton’s stunning Sunday interview on local New Hampshire TV.” – Peter Schweizer/NY Post
“For the Left, it feels like time is running out. So it isn’t sufficient that same-sex marriages be legalized; bakers and florists must be locked in prison if they decline to participate in a gay couple’s ceremony. It isn’t sufficient that those wishing to undergo sex-change surgery be permitted to go their own way; the public must pay for it, and if Bruce Jenner is still ‘Bruce’ to you, you must be driven from polite society. It isn’t enough that the Left dominate the media and pop culture; any attempt to compete with it must be criminalized in the name of ‘getting big money out of politics.’ Not the New York Times’s money, or Hollywood’s money, or the CEO of Goldman Sachs’s money — just the wrong sort of people’s money. Every major Democratic presidential candidate and every Democratic senator is on record supporting the repeal of the First Amendment’s free-speech protections — i.e., carving the heart out of the Bill of Rights — to clear the way for putting all public debate under political discipline.” – Kevin Williamson/National Review
“The United States National Security Agency spied on French presidents Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and Francois Hollande, WikiLeaks said in a press statement published on Tuesday, citing top secret intelligence reports and technical documents.” – Reuters
“Electric cars are worse for the environment per mile than comparable gasoline-powered cars, according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. This contradicts the common assumption that electric cars are cleaner. In spite of this, the federal government still pays $7,500 for every electric car purchased — a subsidy the nation would be better off without, say the authors.” – Washington Examiner
“Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) files obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the dad, maternal grandpa and father-in-law of President Obama’s trusted senior advisor, Valerie Jarrett, were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government.” – Judicial Watch
“For some reason, 100% of media types (give or take) dealt with their feelings of anger and powerlessness in the aftermath of the racist murders of 9 black members of Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, by calling in unison for a removal of a Confederate flag from South Carolina’s capitol grounds.” – Mollie Hemingway/The Federalist
“It’s a sure bet that some of the white South Carolinians marching across that bridge and attending services at Emanuel AME Church also support keeping the flag. That doesn’t mean they’re right, but they surely aren’t the American SS of Jenkins’s imagination either.” – Jonah Goldberg/National Review
“”We have legacy systems that are very old,” Katherine Archuleta, director of the Office of Personnel Management, told Senate lawmakers at a hearing on the intrusion. “It’s an enterprise-wide problem. I don’t believe anyone is personally responsible.” – Washington Post
“Americans increasingly believe that their country isn’t serving its own citizens. They need look no further than a bipartisan vote of Congress that will transfer congressional power to the Executive Branch and, in turn, to a transnational Pacific Union and the global interests who will help write its rules.” – Jeff Sessions/Weekly Standard
“Presenting issues of voting procedure in racial terms — apparently on the theory that racial minorities aren’t as conscientious as whites when it comes to exercising their civic duty — has several advantages. The most obvious is that it panders to the civil rights establishment.” – Power Line
“Gov. Bobby Jindal is expected to announce he is running for president shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon. This decision has been months — if not years — in the making.” –
“A governor who reshaped his state by overhauling the education and Medicaid systems now hardly talks substance at all. In fairness, he has released detailed plans on taxes and education, but he routinely spends his time on the stump throwing red meat to the most conservative parts of his party. During a visit to Europe early this year, Jindal complained about ‘no-go zones’ on the continent where imposition of sharia law had made non-Muslims unwelcome. Appearing at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference on Friday, Jindal complained corporate America had entered into an ‘unnatural alliance with the radical left’ in working to block religious freedom bills at the state level.” – POLITICO
“Don’t expect any major surprises when Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal makes his presidential campaign official on Wednesday. The governor has spent recent months fine-tuning his case for the Republican Party’s 2016 nomination, focusing on conservative social and economic positions as he has crisscrossed the country for events in Iowa; New Hampshire; Washington, D.C.; and South Carolina.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“That tension between Jindal’s personal agenda and the state’s needs is what has caused many Louisianians to turn away from their ambitious governor during his second term in office. Critics believe Jindal’s priorities as a presidential candidate don’t always line up with Louisiana’s agenda. Jindal went abroad in his capacity as a state official, but it’s his national ambition that benefitted from the trip.” –
“Jindal has been described by State Treasurer John Kennedy as a macro-manager, someone who sets the broad overall policy, then relies on aides to carry out the details. Though the two Republicans elected statewide agree on little, Jindal agrees with that description. His approach is wonkish, focusing on abstract policies, on numbers and charts instead of back slaps.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“Louisiana’s next scheduled execution has been stalled for at least another year. U.S. District Judge James Brady agreed Tuesday to the state’s request to delay a trial about the constitutionality of Louisiana’s execution protocol.” – Lake Charles American Press
“U.S. Sen. David Vitter on Tuesday (June 23) said Disney-ABC Television does not have a moratorium on producing new projects in the state, contradicting a statement Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne issued on Monday.” –
“It’s a cap—and now it’s a law. Governor Bobby Jindal declined to veto the bill that puts a $180 million cap on tax credits for the film industry in Louisiana. The fear is the movie and television industry will leave—costing Louisiana thousands of jobs and lots of positive ‘PR’ as Hollywood South.” – KTBS
“A solar power tax break that has cost the state millions will be sharply curtailed under the budget deal struck by lawmakers and Gov. Bobby Jindal. Solar industry supporters say solar power was targeted while tax breaks for other energy industries were protected.” – Lake Charles American Press
“Officials confirmed two people, including a Baton Rouge rapper, were killed in a shooting Tuesday afternoon. One of the victims was identified as Young Ready, whose real name is Shannon Hudson. The identity of the second victim has not yet been released.” – WAFB