Mattress Girl Is Now A Porn Star

Emma Sulkowicz is famous for carrying around a mattress around Columbia University. She says she did it as a protest against Columbia’s refusal to discipline her alleged rapist.

What she doesn’t tell you is that the allegations have little merit. Every rape and sexual assualt allegation leveled against the young man have been tossed out. The young man currently has a lawsuit pending against Columbia University for letting Sulkowicz slime him.

Meanwhile, Sulkowicz has decided to pursue a new outlet to express her grief, porn. That’s right, Mattress Girl is now a porn star after making a sex tape over winter break.

Emma Sulkowicz, who carried a mattress on Columbia University’s campus for months in a performative protest against the school’s decision not to expel a man who she accuses of raping her, has released a video called “Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol” (“This Is Not A Rape”) that explicitly depicts a sexual encounter which turns violent. Introductory text says the video contains “allusions to rape” but is not a re-enactment of the 2012 incident in which Sulkowicz says she was sexually assaulted by fellow student Paul Nungesser. (Nungesser denies the accusations and has sued Columbia for failing to protect him for what he calls Sulkowicz’s defamation and harassment.)
The video is posted online but not currently loading; here’s a description of it from a Jezebel post:
The eight-minute video features Sulkowicz and a man, his face blurred, engaging in what appears to be consensual sex that turns violent. The unidentified man open-palm slaps Sulkowicz, chokes her, removes the condom, then continues to have very rough sex with Sulkowicz, who whimpers and protests from pain.

What we have here is a girl who is milking her 15 minutes of fame as long as she can. In a just world, she would be in prison for falsely accusing a young man of rape. Instead, she’s making porn.

This is how insane we have gotten as a society on campus rape. It appears that we have thrown out the presumption of innocence and we’re suppose to take the stories of people like Mattress Girl at face value. Whenever their stories are proven false, nothing happens. Instead, Mattress Girl and her feminist allies continue to slime the young man who they falsely accused of rape.

You know how you deal with campus rape? Two simple solutions. Firstly, you make universities report allegations of rape to the police. This is a crime we’re talking about here. Instead of campus tribunals, we need to involve real cops and real prosecutors. If there was a rape, the rapist is not only expelled, but they face criminal charges with the prospect of real jail time.

The second solution is this, prosecute anyone who makes knowingly false rape accusations. If a woman or a man lies about being raped, they should be prosecuted for filing a false police report. The universities should also take action and expel anyone making false rape accusations.

In the meantime, if people want to keep holding up Mattress Girl as some kind of a hero, we need to keep reminding people that she’s a liar who slimed a young man for her 15 minutes of fame.



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