“You’d think Louisiana lawbreakers would know by now, but if you’re going to commit a crime, you might want to do so outside the borders of St. Landry’s Parish. Otherwise, you risk being hunted down — and publicly shamed — by the fearsome beacon of muscular justice we told you about several months back known as St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Lt. Clay Higgins.” – Washington Post
“The Louisiana Republican Party is officially endorsing Jeff Landry for Attorney General rather than the GOP incumbent, Buddy Caldwell. Party Chairman Roger Villere says they noticed how Landry performed in Congress and feel comfortable he is the right candidate to move forward with in the race.” – Louisiana Radio Network
“U.S. Sen. David Vitter had just over $5 million in his campaign coffers by mid-July — more money than three other gubernatorial candidates combined. And in reality, Vitter’s cash reserves are even deeper than that number reflects. The senator also has the support of a super PAC — called The Fund for Louisiana’s Future — which raised $4.4 million exclusively for Vitter’s gubernatorial race. Combined, there is about $9.4 million supporting Vitter’s election efforts this fall.” – NOLA.com
“A brain-eating amoeba has been found in a water system in Ascension Parish, officials said Tuesday. State health officials say the water is safe to drink, but don’t let it get into your nose, because that’s how the parasite enters the brain.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“The American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana doesn’t think government officials who oppose same-sex marriage should necessarily rely on the legal advice offered by state Rep. Mike Johnson, R-Bossier City. ” – NOLA.com
“Police in the Lafayette have released photos of a car that a gunman was driving before he opened fire in a movie theater. Lafayette police said in an email Tuesday that they released the photographs in hopes that people may have seen the blue 1995 Lincoln Continental and may remember encountering John ‘Rusty’ Houser.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“LABI fumed as legislators passed more than $600 million in new taxes or reductions in tax exemptions and credits to protect higher education and health care from devastating cuts. And now Louisiana’s most powerful and feared lobby is preparing to strike back, even at those who have been staunch allies during past sessions, potentially recruiting and funding candidates against incumbents who didn’t toe the line.” – Shreveport Times
“The upcoming races for the state’s top school board have helped temporarily shelve plans for a retreat by the 11-member panel.” – KATC
“The New Orleans Traffic Court is overstaffed, underworked, over-budgeted and reliant on a funding system that threatens the impartiality of its judges, putting defendants’ constitutional rights at risk, according to a report Inspector General Ed Quatreveaux released Wednesday (July 29).” – NOLA.com
“Jones on Tuesday named former Detroit Pistons assistant coach Brendan Suhr, an assistant on Chuck Daly’s staff when the Pistons won the NBA championship in 1989 and 1990, to be his associate coach for the upcoming season. Suhr replaces John Treloar, a former Phoenix Suns director of player personnel, who was hired by Jones in mid-April but never began working for LSU after he was expected to join the staff on July 1.” – Baton Rouge Advocate
“A reported two-month gap in emails from Hillary Clinton’s private account during 2012 coincides with a period of escalating violence in Libya and the obtaining of a special exemption by her top aide, Huma Abedin, to work for both the State Department and the Clinton Foundation.” – Fox News
“But according to the woman who outed Monica Lewinsky as the president’s mistress, the real story was never about Monica. It was about ‘subornation of perjury, obstruction of justice… a true abuse of power.’ And it was about Hillary. Because, according to Linda Tripp, it was Hillary who manipulated and stage managed the story, converting herself from a lackluster First Lady with unimpressive approval ratings to admirable First Victim – the blindsided wife standing by her man.” – UK Daily Mail
“And with the successive demonstrations of Failure Theater, in which the conservative base and the few members of the House and Senate who do attempt to honestly represent it make a demand for a strong stand on an issue only to see that stand watered down and frittered away through meaningless votes or worse, what ought to be a lame duck administration has become even more aggressive in arrogating power to itself beyond any grant in the Constitution.” – Scott McKay/American Spectator
“Congressman Mark Meadows is apparently a subscriber to the ‘Animal House School Of Politics‘…..’I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part!'” – Ace Of Spades
“US Secretary of State John Kerry told a Republican lawmaker on Tuesday he did not know whether Iran sought to destroy the United States.” – Times of Israel
“A story about Jeb Bush being in favor of amnesty, er… sorry, ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ shouldn’t be anything new. But at the same time, the candidate seems to have been sending some mixed messages to the base over the course of his 2016 campaign. Not that long ago he said that he would rescind the President’s executive amnesty program, but speaking to a different outlet during that same week he hinted pretty much the exact opposite. It can all be so confusing, can’t it?” – Hot Air
One of the great spectacles of the day is the sight of French workers engaged in violent protests, aggrieved that their economic positions are being undermined by the cheap labor of foreign workers — Germans, in this case.” – Kevin Williamson/National Review
“Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota warned news outlets today that airing undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress could violate ‘patient privacy.’ Planned Parenthood says the videos violate laws however no wrong doing by the Center for Medical Progress has been proven.” – Valley News Live
“Hillary Clinton on Tuesday declined to say whether she supported the Keystone XL pipeline expansion, telling a New Hampshire voter that if the matter is still undecided by the time she becomes president, she will give him an answer then.” – CNN
“A Zimbabwean lion researcher has spoken of his fond memories of Cecil, the celebrated animal who was killed with a bow and arrow shot by an American dentist.” – UK Telegraph
“Mark Levin’s new book will no doubt be a bestseller, just like his previous offerings. But his latest work should be required reading for every recent college or high school grad just starting to make his way in the world, as well as every American voter.” – PJ Media