Michael Bennet, Colorado’s Democrat Senator, voted to filibuster the bill of disapproval on the Obama Iran deal. He did that despite that deal polling horribly nationwide – Pew found that just 21 percent support the deal, while 49 percent disapprove of it.
Clearly, the Iran deal and the Senate Democrats’ filibuster of the bill of disapproval have the possibility to become a terrible issue for Democrats in Senate elections next year (not to mention the presidential elections). We are already seeing the waters tested by third-party ads on the deal both nationally and at the state level.
Which brings us back to Bennet, who is being hit in Colorado with this striking ad…
Advancing Colorado, the 501(c)4 organization that put out the ad, is a brand-new free market outfit. Whether they play much of a role in attempting to unseat Bennet is unknown, but the ad is apparently being supported with a six-figure media buy.
Similar messaging can be expected aiming at other Democrats in purplish or reddish states in advance of next year’s elections.