School Choice Supporters Expose John Bel Edwards’s Anti-Education Record

In the final days of the election, pro school choice groups are saturating metro New Orleans with mailers and TV ads pounding John Bel Edwards for his opposition to school choice and charter schools. Virtually every family in Orleans Parish sends their children to either private schools or charter schools. Parents love them and even many progressives like Mitch and Mary Landrieu support them.

First up, the Louisiana Federation for Children is blasting this ad all over TV stations in New Orleans, targeting parents who are benefiting from both the city’s move toward a charter school-oriented public school system and the large voucher program enabling parents to put their kids in private schools…

This ad was reinforced by a mailer from the American Voice PAC* slamming Edwards on school choice. The PAC, which is run by Shreveport Reverend C.L. Bryant, was targeted towards black voters and was mailed out to 34,000 households in New Orleans.

The mailer points that Edwards voted against everything from accountability in schools to returning successful schools to the Orleans Parish School Board. Edwards even authored legislation to restrict the formation of new charter schools. The teachers unions are strong supporters of Edwards’s bid for governor.

If you care about quality schools, you absolutely cannot vote for John Bel Edwards tomorrow.

(*Disclosure: the publisher of The Hayride, Scott McKay, serves on the board of American Voice PAC)



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