AUDIO: Ted Cruz Begins The Campaign Against Donald Trump

This is from the Hugh Hewitt Show yesterday, and it goes about 18 minutes. It’s an interesting interview, because in it Cruz begins taking shots at Trump in response to the birther nonsense Trump has spent a week throwing at Cruz.

Cruz tackles the birther issue and does an awfully good job of cleaning it up as a matter of law, and as a matter of politics makes the case that there are now a lot of Hillary Clinton fans pushing the birther stuff in order to push Trump because they think he’s more beatable than Cruz is. And in this Cruz is correct; talk to Democrat political pros who appreciate the value of an organized electoral campaign, and they will tell you what Cruz is doing to pull his campaign together is impressive – it’s a model not dissimilar to what a Democrat campaign looks like when it’s done correctly.

From there it becomes a bit more oriented on policy, where Cruz gets really impressive and where Hewitt shines as an interviewer. Listen to the whole thing…



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