This Facebook Page Pretty Much Sums Up What We Think Of John Bel Edwards

A new Facebook page just went up and they’re not too happy with our new lying lightweight governor. “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For Vitter” just went live on Facebook and is set to become a home for the opposition.

The page is keeping track of the pay raises, tax increases, and general stupidity that is eminating from the Fourth Floor on a near daily basis. We imagine that page will be busy for the next four years.

Louisianians will be taking notes of the bad policies that are coming from the John Bel Edwards administration. We will also be taking notes of the legislators in both parties that support it.

But now as the tax hikes, spending increases, pay raises, and other stupidity come from John Bel Edwards come down the pipeline; don’t you feel stupid voting over 15 year old hookers? We’re learning that Governor “honor code” was little more than the creation of an ad guy. Edwards’s policies and values are out of touch with Louisiana and he demonstrates that everyday.

More and more Louisianians will be saying “don’t blame me, I voted for Vitter” when it comes time to pay John Bel’s new taxes. How long until the bumper stickers start showing up?



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