Poor, poor Jonathan Perry. We in the media have been picking on him since last week. That was when he proposed his idea to require the volunteer boatmen known as the “Cajun Navy” to get certification from the state before they can rescue people.
Since we have been a bit harsh on the state senator from Kaplan, we’re going to help him out for the upcoming session. Here are some bills that are along the lines of his “Cajun Navy” bill that he should file next year.
- A bill mandating that before you grill at the family barbecue, you must pass the ServSafe food safety course.
- Mandate that before you pull over to help a driver change a tire, that you get certification from the state before you can do that.
- Before you can walk an old lady across the street, mandate that the person escorting the old woman is state certified.
- Before tutoring a kid after school, require a teaching certification.
- Before coaching youth sports, mandate that they take a course in the sport they’re coaching.
- Finally, before caring for a sick relative, mandate that you must be a state certified caregiver.
All of these events you wouldn’t think need to have the state mandate certification, but some overzealous state employees and sheriffs might try to stop these things. A cop might stop me from escorting an old woman across the street because I might hold her arm too hard. Plus, do you know how many people can get food poisoning at a family barbecue?
Save all your objections about “common sense” and “limited government.” These bill ideas have the best of intentions and that’s the only thing that matters.