Times Picayune Anti-Police Cartoon Published Strangely Just Days After NOPD Are Threatened Publicly

The Times Picayune‘s despicable anti-law enforcement political cartoon that ran in today’s edition of their print edition strangely came just days after New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) was threatened publicly.

The Hayride reported earlier on the Picayune’s cartoon, which shows a racist police officer handing black Americans their “last rites.”

Check out the image that prompted an apology from the paper:

picayune monday 8-15 cartoon


Oddly, the Times Picayune printed the cartoon just a couple days after the NOPD were threatened publicly with vandalism on the city’s PGT Beauregard monument, which read “Fist Up. Shoot Back. #F*ck12.”

“F*ck12” refers to the hashtag that BlackLivesMatter and New Black Panther Party members use when they want to celebrate the death of police officers, specifically two New York Police Department (NYPD) officers who were killed execution-style earlier in the year.

Of course, the Hayride was the only Louisiana media outlet to report the anti-police vandalism. The Times Picayune never reported the story, despite the threat being made public.

Take a look:

nola monument pgt vandalized

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