The Low Popahirum, September 1, 2016



Several major Latino surrogates for Donald Trump are reconsidering their support for him following the Republican nominee’s hardline speech on immigration Wednesday night.” – Politico

The term ‘pro-choice’ has a politically charged meaning, one that Democrats proudly assert when it comes to defending abortion. They also claimed that mantle for Obamacare. As we approach the fourth year of the exchanges, however, it’s clear that Democrats and Barack Obama have been as anti-choice in practice as it’s possible to be.” –

American officials say Mr. Assange and WikiLeaks probably have no direct ties to Russian intelligence services. But the agendas of WikiLeaks and the Kremlin have often dovetailed.” – New York Times

” An explosion rocked a SpaceX launch site Thursday during a routine rocket test.” –

The United States and its negotiating partners agreed ‘in secret’ to allow Iran to evade some restrictions in last year’s landmark nuclear agreement in order to meet the deadline for it to start getting relief from economic sanctions, according to a report reviewed by Reuters.” –


“Program for ex-presidents paid salaries and benefits to Clinton aides at the center of controversies.” – Politico

Senator Harry Reid says Democrats should move to curtail the filibuster if they win the White House and Senate in November only to run up against persistent use of the tactic by Republicans.” – New York Times

“The populist revolt against governing elites sweeping advanced democracies is the latest chapter in the oldest political story. Every society, regardless of its form of government, has a ruling class. The crucial question is whether elites rule in their own interest or for the common good.” –

“Following Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s visit to Mexico on Wednesday, two of the billionaire’s supporters were seen wearing hats with the words ‘Make Mexico Great Again Also.‘” – The Blaze

The U.S. and world powers had a secret deal with Iran to allow the Islamic Republic to dodge restrictions in last year’s landmark nuclear deal, Fox News has confirmed.” – Fox News


“On August 12, the rain started falling and the rivers started rising, and floodwaters soon washed over much of Baton Rouge and the surrounding parishes.” –

More than 50 pools of mosquitoes collected in Calcasieu Parish over the last three months tested positive for West Nile virus, the highest activity since 2009, Parish Mosquito Control Director Scott Willis said Monday.” – American Press

Louisiana’s U.S. senators and the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman are asking the Department of Homeland Security for information about the man identified as the driver of a bus that hit a firetruck and other vehicles in Louisiana, killing two people and injuring three dozen.” –

“‘Hillary Clinton didn’t go to Louisiana, and now she didn’t go to Mexico. She doesn’t have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!'” Trump tweeted shortly before taking the stage in Phoenix, Ariz.” – Washington Examiner

“The list of avowed enemies of former KKK leader David Duke goes well beyond the other candidates in the 2016 Louisiana Senate race.” –

A Louisiana man is being hailed as a hero after he saved his girlfriend’s life by pushing her out of a crashing plane moments before he died, according to The Times-Picayune.” – Inquisitr

I have lived in Louisiana the past 13 years and have been amazed at how people make decisions on whether to buy flood insurance. Federal banking and mortgage laws and private borrower requirements mandate that banks require most mortgage borrowers to have flood insurance if the property is inside the 100-year flood plain, which is defined as an area in which it would be expected to flood once in 100 years. From what I am hearing, most people make that decision in the following manner: if they are required to buy the insurance, they do so. If not, they say things like, ‘I don’t have to have it, so I am not buying it.'” – The Baton Rouge Advocate

“Local and parish leaders from flood-damaged areas had a chance to take their concerns about storm recovery directly to the governor Wednesday afternoon. Gov. John Bel Edwards held a town-hall style meeting at the Capitol.” –

“During Louisiana’s flooding crisis, the American Red Cross has had its share of praise for the work of its volunteers, but the agency has also had an onslaught of criticism, particularly when it comes to some of the meals it is providing.” –

Tropical Storm Hermine as strengthened as it churns in the Gulf of Mexico, according to the latest advisory from the National Hurricane Center.” –




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