Here are a bunch of items about the U.S. Senate that can’t make a full post on their own, but are still pretty important nonetheless.
Kennedy vs Boustany: Coastal Erosion Edition
Last night, the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana held a U.S. Senate forum. John Kennedy skipped it, which drew attacks from Charles Boustany today.
Boustany Communications Director Jack Pandol said in a press release: “Restoring Louisiana’s coast is one of the most important and pressing responsibilities our next Senator will be entrusted with. Apparently, John Kennedy doesn’t agree. With his absence from this critical forum, Kennedy has made his position on coastal restoration loud and clear: he has nothing to offer.”
Foster Campbell Is The Only Candidate Who Supports John Bel Edwards’s Lawsuits Against Oil And Gas
At that same forum, Foster Campbell was the only candidate who supported both JBE’s lawsuits against oil and gas companies over coastal erosion and the belief that man is a contributor to climate change.
Campbell has been making a play for progressive voters including this ad talking about core Democratic priorities.
He’s got an attack ad out against Caroline Fayard attacking her on her support for Bobby Jindal among other things.
John Kennedy’s Super PAC Comes Under Fire From John Fleming And Charles Boustany
John Kennedy’s Super PAC, the ESA Fund, has launched ad attacks on John Fleming and Charles Boustany. Here’s one attacking both of them for “getting rich while in DC.”
Here’s one attacking John Fleming on illegal immigration.
Fleming’s campaign has demanded TV stations pull the ad, calling it false and deceptive.
Matt Beynon, Fleming for Senate Communications Director, said in a press release: “This is yet another in a long line of pitiful attacks by the flailing Kennedy Campaign. John Kennedy is an entitled politician in the twilight of his career grasping for one final victory and he saw his once large lead evaporate in just a matter of weeks. Rather than run and lose a campaign with dignity, Kennedy has chosen to spread rumors and lie about his opponents’ records. It’s sad. We thought John Kennedy was better than this.”
“But here are the facts. Kennedy was a liberal Democrat who endorsed John Kerry for President just a few years ago, he opposed middle class tax cuts, he wasted nearly half a million dollars of taxpayer money on his lavish office, and he even supported a gun ban that would have trampled on the rights of thousands of Louisiana gun owners. John Fleming has an A+ rating from NumbersUSA, the most anti-illegal immigration advocacy organization in the nation. To argue John Fleming is weak on immigration is a joke,” continued Beynon.
Boustany has blasted the campaign against, holding a conference call for Louisiana reporters where they debunked the ad targeting Boustany.
Fleming Compares Both Kennedy And Boustany To John Kerry
Not sure if this will be an effective attack, but Fleming’s campaign is making it anyway. They’re comparing both Republican rivals to John Kerry.
Matt Beynon, Fleming for Senate Communications Director, said in a press release: “Apparently Charles Boustany was for the TPP before he was against it. Sound familiar? We all knew Treasurer Kennedy was proud to endorse liberal John Kerry for President, but now we know Congressman Boustany would also flip-flop like Kerry. This is exactly why we need a strong, trusted conservative voice representing Louisiana in the United States Senate. Louisiana knows that John Fleming will stand tall for conservative principles and stand up to the Washington establishment.”
Abhay Patel Receives Endorsement From Barry Goldwater Jr.
Finally, Abhay Patel received an endorsement from former Arizona Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr.
Goldwater, Jr. said in a press release, “Abhay Patel is a businessman and a fighter who is uniquely positioned to serve as the transformative next generation conservative leader Louisiana needs. As a congressman and businessman I know that Washington plays too large a role in every facet of our lives. Abhay is the only candidate in this race who will vigorously defend the Constitution and lead with conservative principles to restore power back to the people of Louisiana.”
Patel said in a release, “I am honored to receive the endorsement of Barry Goldwater, Jr. today. His advocacy of conservative ideals and record of achievements in Washington and in business speak to the type of support my campaign continues to generate. The Goldwater family has been instrumental in the conservative movement, and I look forward to continuing that tradition.