Aaaaaaand Gary Chambers Got Arrested Today

UPDATE: Here’s better video of Gary Chambers getting removed and then arrested.

ORIGINAL: The Alton Sterling Fan Club carried through on their threat to try to “shut down” the Baton Rouge Metro Council today, but it would be overly generous to say they actually achieved a whole lot other than getting their chief instigator Gary Chambers a ride to East Baton Rouge Parish Prison.

The Council knew what was coming and had a large security presence on hand to yank people from the Council chambers as soon as they came up to the speaker’s podium to harangue about off-topic issues. Nothing on the Council’s agenda dealt with the question of the job status of Baton Rouge police officers Blaine Salamoni and Howie Lake II, who were on the scene when Sterling was shot dead by Salamoni last July.

The Council had a huge list of rather pedestrian issues to handle, few to none of which had anything to do with Sterling; a big chunk of the meeting was spent on a small flood in January in which a garbage can got wedged into a drain and stopped it up, which damaged five houses and Councilwoman Chauna Banks-Daniels wanted the Council to appropriate money to reimburse the homeowners. But Chambers and his gang sent people to the podium to gripe about Salamoni and Lake, and BRPD chief Carl Dabadie, and in each case there were security officers to drag them out.

And Gary Chambers got the bonus plan, since he was extra-disruptive. Out he went, into a police SUV and off to the hoosegow.

Here’s the Facebook Live video from Brett Buffington of WBRZ-TV of Gary Chambers getting carted off…

And more video from when Chambers and the cops made it to the bottom of the elevator.

And a still photo – in which one can see Chambers got double-handcuffed, for comfort…

Not to mention that they were going to put Chambers in a police cruiser but either he didn’t fit or they thought he might not be comfortable in it, so he ended up in a more luxurious ride…

Last we checked, there were reports the Fan Club was going to descend on Parish Prison in an effort to bust Chambers out of jail. There’s a mechanism for that, of course. He’ll bond out by sundown in all likelihood.



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