Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood: “Every Person Has A Right To Live”

In an ironic turn of events, the president of Planned Parenthood was recently quoted as saying, “Every Person Has A Right To Live…”  President Cecile Richards, daughter of former Texas Governor Ann Richards, sent out an email recently in response to President Donald Trump’s DACA announcement. Using the planned removal of DACA protections Planned Parenthood said in the fundraising email:

“Here at Planned Parenthood, we firmly believe that every person has the right to live, work, and raise a family freely and without the threat of deportation or separation.”

Conservatives reacted in awe and laughter at the tone-deaf hypocrisy of the statement.



Planned Parenthood conducts over one million abortions annually, worldwide. This number is comparable to the entire population of Austin, TX.

Planned Parenthood

If we viewed humans in the womb as undocumented peoples, perhaps Planned Parenthood would stop killing so many of them.


Along with saying, “every person has a right to live…” Richards went on to write:

“I’m infuriated, I’m heartbroken. But I’m sure about one thing: Planned Parenthood stands with DREAMers, the young people in this community who are the future of this country.”

Perhaps what she really means is future prospects for their abortion business. Planned Parenthood has placed 79 percent of their surgical abortion facilities in minority neighborhoods. In a study to see where Planned Parenthood’s new abortion mega-centers were to be placed, the following was found:


Protecting Black Life evaluated the populations within walking distance (2 mile radius) of each of these 25 abortion mega-centers and found that an alarming 88 percent (22 of 25) target women of color. Disturbingly, 80 percent target Black communities, 56 percent target Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods and 80 percent target one or more colleges. In total, 96 percent (24 of 25) of the mega-centers target women of color, college women, or both.

For an organization founded on eugenics and racism, it is hard not to look at those locations with great suspicion.

Though for once, I can say that I found something to agree with Planned Parenthood and Cecile Richards on: Every person, no matter how small, should have the right to live.


Planned Parenthood DACA
Courtesy Dank Pro-Life Memes



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