UPDATE: Apparently, Daniels is now saying the letter denying the affair wasn’t written by her and she has no idea who wrote it. The signature is different or something. Here’s the New York Times:
Stephanie Clifford, the former pornographic-film actress known as Stormy Daniels, is not making life easy for the Trump administration. Just minutes after President Trump’s first State of the Union address ended Tuesday night, Ms. Clifford appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” where she did not deny — or confirm — having an affair with Mr. Trump.
On Tuesday afternoon, a statement claiming to be from Stormy Daniels emerged that forcefully refuted all allegations of an affair. But on Mr. Kimmel’s show, Ms. Clifford strongly implied that she had not written that denial letter. (A lawyer for Mr. Trump had issued a separate letter signed by Ms. Daniels on Jan. 10 denying the affair. That letter was not in question here.)
So… yeah. That’s what I get for paying any attention to this story.
In an unfortunate statement that none of us really asked for, Daniels admitted that the alleged affair she detailed in prior interviews may not have exactly happened as described.
It was the cursed Daily Beast that brought this scandal back into the news cycle ahead of Trump’s largely victorious State Of The Union address last night.
In a new statement, Stormy Daniels has issued a blanket denial of her alleged 2006 affair with Donald Trump. The porn star, who Trump reportedly paid $130,000 to stay quiet about their relationship just before the 2016 election, said that she is not denying the affair because she was paid “hush money” but instead because “it never happened.”
It may shock you to discover that a porn star who was popular ten years ago (I AM TOLD, STOP JUDGING ME) is seeking a new fifteen minutes of fame by drawing this story out as long as possible.
However, in a 2011 interview with InTouchmagazine, she recounted the affair in explicit detail. Daniels concluded her statement by directing people to her Instagram account, where she posted a selfie on Tuesday with the caption, “Relaxing before the big night.” It was unclear if she was referring to President Trump’s State of the Union address or her appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that will air immediately following that event, despite the fact that she says she will have “no further comment on this matter.”
Then again, she was going on tour around the nation’s gentlemen’s clubs and using the scandal as a promotional tool. Wonder if that’s gonna stop now. Eh, whatever.
So, that’s a thing, I guess. Stormy Daniels is now denying the affair. I don’t think we even discussed it when the story originally broke, but I know some of you were probably concerned maybe, so I thought I might ease your troubles a bit with this.