Based on a tweet posted by students at North Carolina State University, a sociology professor Michaela DeSoucey handed out the below piece of paper outlining how students could get involved in political action.
She tells students to “turn out” every time Trump says “fake news”, which she says, “he means free press.”
Then she tells students what real news is– listing all mainstream media news outlets.
She then tells students to use parental controls against their own parents:
“When they are not looking, set the parental controls on the TVs of your family members to block Fox News. Fox News spreads bigotry and hatred.”
What DeSoucey put in writing could be construed as liable.
A state-funded professor is telling students how to vote and how to deceive their parents.
If this isn’t a lesson on socialism or sociology– I don’t know what is.
Hopefully students will be intelligent enough to reject the liberal propaganda like the students who are posting and commenting on social media outlets. In less than one day, one tweet has been shared several thousand times.
I emailed Michaela DeSoucey to ask her about the handout that her students say she gave them.
A response from the school:
Upon reflection, Dr. DeSoucey has realized she erred in crossing the line between educating and advocating. She has apologized, we have accepted her apology, and we consider this matter closed.Sincerely,Jeffery P. Braden, PhD
Professor of PsychologyDean, College of Humanities and Social Sciences