Ted Cruz Enters The Line Of Fire: Birthright Citizenship Equates To “Birth Tourism”

Senator Ted Cruz has taken the initiative to capitalize on Trump’s latest attack on birthright citizenship. The Texas Senator came out in support of ending the policy, and equated birthright citizenship to “birth tourism”.

Cruz entered the line of fire on Tuesday, standing behind the President and his pursuit to end this contentious policy. “I have long supported ending birthright citizenship,” Cruz said.

To Cruz, this policy cannot be defended against basic common sense. “That isn’t a policy that makes any sense,” he said. The United States is only one of two developed countries in the entire world that practice birthright citizenship. The other country is Canada.

Cruz went on to depict what this policy is inviting to take place in the nation. “There’s a practice known as birth tourism where women who are in their eighth or ninth month of pregnancy come to America on a tourist visa to give birth in the United States and confer citizenship on that child,” Cruz said.

As of right now, the United States is helpless when it comes to these cases. If a mother gives birth here, then that child is an America. It matter not whether the child or family has any American heritage, cultural roots, or patriotic identity. These babies are deemed just as American as every other American citizen.


“There are some legal scholars who argue that it takes a constitutional amendment, others have argued that it can be done through statutory means,” Cruz said. “I suspect whatever method is used will be challenged in court so ultimately, the courts will sort out the proper mechanism. But I think as a policy matter, ending birthright citizenship makes a lot of common sense.”

Senator Lindsey Graham has already taken to twitter in support of ending birthright citizenship through legislation. So while there is debate on what is the proper method to change this policy, Republicans are quickly rallying behind finding a way to make the change.

Cruz has not shied away from using rhetoric that has been highly criticized by the left. Cruz rejected that the term “anchor babies” was offensive, recognizing it is an adequate description of what is going on with these situations.



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