Jared Brossett used to be a bad Democrat state legislator from New Orleans. Now he’s a bad Democrat city councilman in New Orleans.
How bad? Well, what happened over the weekend is a pretty brilliant demonstration…
New Orleans City Councilman Jared Brossett was arrested Sunday morning on counts of reckless driving and driving under the influence, according to records obtained by the Times-Picayune | New Orleans Advocate.
The paper reported that Brossett was arrested after crashing his car. It’s unclear where the crash happened or how serious it was.
He was reportedly booked just after 6 a.m. but appeared to have been released by 8:30 a.m.
Brossett, 37, has been the District D representative on the city council since 2014. Before that, he served in the state House of Representatives.
District D encompasses parts of the city between City Park and New Orleans East.
Brossett was arrested the day after New Orleans Bars were allowed to reopen at 25% capacity under the city’s Phase 2 reopening guidelines after the coronavirus shutdown.
The councilman declined to comment on the incident Sunday.
There’s video of Brossett after the car crash, and it’s horrendous – for a couple of reasons. First, Brossett is falling-down drunk and babbling incoherently. And second, the kid taking the video apparently isn’t possessed of much vocabulary beyond the F-bomb, so we apologize in advance for the NSFW language.
The kid didn’t know who Brossett was and kept asking him about the “security” job he had, that his pending DWI was going to cost him. What he didn’t know was that all the city council members in New Orleans are issued those rides with the police lights on them.
But here was his Facebook post, which has since been taken down, giving a first-hand account of the wreck…
There’s a certain element of “Perfectly New Orleans” to this.
Perhaps more than an element.
After all, Brossett isn’t the city councilman with the biggest legal issue. That would be Jason Williams, who at one point was rumored to be about to run for District Attorney. Now Williams is under federal investigation for “botching” his tax returns for several years, something he says is (1) the fault of his tax preparer and (2) a political hit-job arising from his prospective candidacy for DA.
Not paying taxes was, up until recently, Mayor LaToya Cantrell’s somewhat exclusive province among New Orleans leadership. Seems Cantrell now has company.
The leadership of that city has never been in worse hands than right now. It’s so bad that just driving around in Orleans Parish might get you front-ended by drunken politicians who appear no longer satisfied with ruining your life with bad public policy.