Texas ranks the 10th worst state for elderly Americans

With a median household income of $44,319 for seniors 65 and older, Texas ranked 10th worst among the 50 states based on how its older population is faring, according to a recent analysis by the website 24/7 Wall St.

A resident of Texas who is 65 years old can expect to live until age 84.2, the financial news website reports. And the state’s poverty rate for its 65-and-older population is 11.1 percent, according to 24/7 Wall St.

The analysis used data from the Census Bureau and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to rank the overall conditions of seniors in every state based on measures such as income levels, health, access to transportation and educational attainment.

The importance of how seniors are faring in the 50 states will only grow in importance in the years ahead because the nation’s retirement population is expected to increase by 100 percent between 2018 and 2060, the study said.

Quality of Life for Older Americans by State, From Worst to Best

Rank State Life Expectancy at Age 65 65-and-Older Poverty Rate 65-and-Older Population With a Disability Median Income for 65-and-Older Households State Population 65 and Older
50 West Virginia 82.5 10.0% 41.2% $36,147 361,216
49 Arkansas 82.9 10.2% 41.9% $37,762 507,676
48 Mississippi 82.6 12.4% 39.6% $36,415 474,423
47 Louisiana 83.1 12.4% 38.0% $36,345 720,610
46 Alabama 82.7 10.3% 39.0% $37,977 829,663
45 Kentucky 82.5 10.2% 39.7% $38,254 731,392
44 Tennessee 83.1 9.2% 37.4% $39,933 1.1 million
43 Oklahoma 82.9 8.7% 42.6% $40,928 619,601
42 Nevada 83.9 9.8% 33.6% $46,406 475,120
41 Texas 84.2 11.1% 36.4% $44,319 3.6 million
40 Missouri 83.6 8.2% 36.4% $41,038 1 million
39 New Mexico 84.7 13.3% 40.0% $39,989 368,480
38 Indiana 83.4 7.9% 34.9% $41,342 1.1 million
37 Ohio 83.2 8.6% 34.1% $41,406 2 million
36 South Carolina 83.3 9.5% 34.3% $42,161 899,754
35 Georgia 83.5 10.2% 34.0% $42,781 1.5 million
34 Idaho 84.4 8.6% 35.3% $42,678 279,441
33 Florida 85.3 10.6% 32.8% $43,804 4.4 million
32 Michigan 83.9 9.0% 34.1% $42,816 1.7 million
31 North Dakota 84.5 10.3% 33.4% $44,824 116,433
30 North Carolina 83.9 8.7% 34.3% $41,169 1.7 million
29 Pennsylvania 84.0 8.3% 33.2% $41,762 2.3 million
28 Arizona 85.1 8.6% 33.6% $46,152 1.3 million
27 Wisconsin 84.7 7.9% 30.6% $41,362 986,483
26 Illinois 84.5 8.8% 32.0% $44,955 2 million
25 Iowa 84.5 7.1% 31.1% $42,995 537,818
24 Rhode Island 84.6 11.2% 32.4% $42,424 182,645
23 California 85.7 10.5% 33.5% $54,272 5.7 million
22 Nebraska 84.4 7.6% 33.7% $42,851 303,998
21 Maine 83.7 9.1% 33.8% $40,435 276,069
20 Wyoming 84.2 7.3% 33.9% $44,870 96,557
19 South Dakota 84.4 9.0% 31.2% $42,361 146,358
18 Kansas 84.0 8.0% 36.5% $42,989 462,191
17 New York 85.6 11.8% 31.5% $45,302 3.2 million
16 Montana 83.5 9.4% 31.9% $42,745 200,239
15 Oregon 84.5 7.9% 33.6% $47,314 739,611
14 New Jersey 85.3 8.0% 30.0% $53,637 1.4 million
13 Minnesota 85.3 7.6% 30.9% $47,054 888,634
12 Alaska 84.1 6.7% 37.4% $59,339 88,000
11 Delaware 84.4 6.1% 30.9% $54,744 180,756
10 Virginia 84.5 8.4% 33.1% $51,401 1.3 million
9 Vermont 84.8 9.3% 31.9% $44,302 123,875
8 Washington 84.9 7.2% 34.0% $52,150 1.2 million
7 Massachusetts 84.9 9.1% 31.2% $49,756 1.1 million
6 Utah 84.5 6.1% 32.9% $53,670 351,297
5 Connecticut 85.4 7.9% 29.4% $54,629 613,147
4 New Hampshire 84.2 5.5% 30.5% $50,240 245,156
3 Hawaii 86.5 6.5% 31.7% $65,078 261,467
2 Maryland 84.6 7.3% 30.7% $59,536 931,041
1 Colorado 85.0 7.4% 31.1% $51,537 807,855

Source: 24/7 Wall St.



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