The Coming Veto Session Is Really About Election Integrity

The two bills everybody has been focusing on as the grassroots has torqued up the pressure on Louisiana’s legislators to attend a special session to override the blizzard of vetoes by Gov. John Bel Edwards involve banning biological men playing girls’ sports and the issue of “constitutional carry” of firearms in the state, and that’s certainly understandable. Both are hot-button issues, both enjoy fairly widespread popularity among Louisiana’s voters and Edwards’ vetoes of both bills signals that the entire premise behind which he ran for governor was a lie.

Edwards sold himself, after all, as a red-blooded patriotic American with a degree from West Point who was pro-God, pro-gun, pro-life and by-damn “conservative,” such that the only difference between himself and David Vitter was that Edwards was faithful to his wife.

Six years and two fiasco elections later, we now know that John Bel Edwards is every bit the national Democrat his legislative voting record proved him to be before he fleeced the voters of the Sportsman’s Paradise into making him the blue governor of a red state. The irritation over that is driving a lot of the grassroots pressure, and it’s becoming too much for even the most out-of-touch Republican legislators to resist. Two weeks ago it was considered highly unlikely there would be a special session. Now, that’s changed completely.

Word is that the veto session will begin on Tuesday, July 20, and it will last two or three days. The bills to be brought up are those Edwards has vetoed, and SB 156, the girls’ sports bill, and SB 118, the constitutional carry bill, will be the headliners.

That said, the issue of election integrity, which is the number one hot button issue around the country for state legislatures to address, and which has been the source of a lot of hope this year as legislatures across the country have acted effectively, is where the rubber really meets the road in this session.

Louisiana’s legislature passed a host of bills which would safeguard the state’s elections against fraud and abuse. Edwards vetoed almost all of them.

The one we’ve focused on is the Zuckerbucks Bill, which was HB 20 by Rep. Blake Miguez. That bill would ban private funding of local elections offices in Louisiana, something which was allowed to happen in a bunch of states last year and which led to highly partisan and highly corrupt practices giving rise to a very reasonable conclusion the election was stolen by the Biden camp. Miguez has brought this bill twice and passed it twice in the past year and change, and twice Edwards has vetoed it.

There were 26 votes in the Senate for the bill’s passage, not counting Sen. Heather Cloud, who was absent for the vote but who is a supporter. The bill had 69 votes in the House, but that was before Rep. Laurie Schlegel was sworn in. She’s also a supporter. Meaning that if Miguez can simply hold the votes of all those legislators who supported his bill the first time, plus add the known supporters who weren’t on hand, the Legislature can override Edwards’ veto on a crucial measure to safeguard Louisiana from being inundated with corrupt money from Mark Zuckerberg and other leftist Bond villains.


But Miguez’ bill is by no means the only one. Here’s a list of other bills Edwards vetoed…

  • SB 63 – Sen Robert Mills – Requires hand-delivered absentee ballots to be delivered to the registrar or an employee of the registrar, and adds ability to do so during Early Voting. (Senate 35-2, House 100-5)
  • SB 220 – Sen Cloud – Provides for duties of legislative auditor to examine, audit, and review elections.  (Senate 28-10, House 69-28).
  • SB 224 – Sen Cloud – Establishes voter ID requirements for absentee ballots, similar to Election Day and Early Voting requirements. (Senate 36-2, House 68-27)
  • HB 138 – Rep Farnum – Creates a supplemental annual canvass of registered voters to maintain accurate voter rolls. (Senate 28-10, House 64-30)
  • HB 704 – Rep Hodges – Allows for the appointment of additional poll watchers during elections. (Senate 37-1, House 68-31)

Mills’ bill, which would eliminate ballot harvesting and absentee ballot drop boxes, which were mechanisms opening the door to massive fraud in a select number of places last year, should have no trouble passing on an override vote; any Republican or independent who flips a vote on that bill faces a trip to the political gulag from which they’ll never recover. Even most Democrats didn’t want to get caught up in a “no” vote on that bill the first time; flipping a vote in two weeks will bring them up for scrutiny as defenders of electoral corruption.

The others all have more than enough votes in the Senate for an override, but not the 70 House votes.

But neither do they have enough House votes to signify sustaining the veto. The whole House wasn’t around to vote on those bills.

Which means that Louisiana’s legislature is in a position to fortify Louisiana’s electoral integrity at a time when the issue is front and center with the American public. The state’s governor has made a firm stand in opposition to free, fair and honest elections. Will our Legislature stand up to him and the national Democrats intent on turning us into Venezuela?

We’ll find out in two weeks.



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