2022 will certainly be an eventful political year filled with battles which conservatives must win. The LAGOP will fight for a fair and sensible redistricting while maintaining an ever watchful vigilance to protect the integrity of our elections. We will fight to re-elect our Republican congressmen in the mid-term elections, and we will oppose at every turn the most evil political doctrine since the fall of Communism, critical race theory. Be assured that the LAGOP will be active on many fronts in 2022.
But these are battles for the coming year, and in the waning days of 2021 we have a Christmas to celebrate and a New Year to ring in. For Americans who have resisted Marxist cultural and political influences, this is a festive season of gift-giving, family gatherings, and parties, but so is it also a season of peace and forgiveness, remembrance of the year past, and spiritual renewal.
So let us set politics aside for now and enjoy the season as it was meant to be enjoyed.
The officers and staff of the LAGOP would like to take this opportunity to thank Republicans and conservatives across the state for their efforts in support of our party and our candidates over the past year.
And lastly, we would like to wish everyone, regardless of their political leanings, a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a fulfilling and prosperous New Year!
Louis Gurvich, Chairman
Republican Party of Louisiana