The issue of abortion is the premiere issue of justice in our day. Currently, it is front and center in the mainstream conversation. By now, you must have heard about the 115 aborted children that were discovered outside of a clinic in Washington D.C. For the full story, please visit the link below for an exclusive interview with an insider that exposes the horror of this great evil:
We realize how awful it is to see the gruesome reality of abortion. However, there is hope. Together, we can take action to end abortion in our nation.
End Abortion Now does this by employing a two-fold strategy:
- Preaching the Gospel and offering help at abortion clinics.
- Partnering with lawmakers to introduce bills of equal protection that completely and immediately abolish abortion at the state level from the moment of conception.
So far this year, we are in the process of helping write legislation in 18 different states to criminalize abortion, as well as rallying together with those who support these bills. By God’s grace, strong momentum is building and we are witnessing our Lord do some amazing things in awakening the masses to this national holocaust.
Our next rally will be in support of The Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act and takes place on Saturday, April 30 at 10 AM on the steps of the State Capitol in Baton Rouge. You can find more information about the rally here:
If enacted, the Abolition of Abortion in Louisiana Act would end abortion immediately.
We invite you to stand with us and other Christians in the fight to end abortion in Louisiana and provide equal protection for our pre-born neighbors.
Saints, this is our calling as followers of the Lord Jesus.
The Word of God says in Proverbs 24:11:
Rescue those being led away to death,
hold back those staggering toward slaughter.
We must call on our elected officials to:
“seek justice, correct oppression, and bring justice to the fatherless.”
– Isaiah 1:17
Whether you or your organization agrees or disagrees with this stance on abortion, we still encourage you to come, pray, listen and engage with us as we would love to talk and reason together. Share this post with local churches, groups and anyone else you know would be interested. Please post about it publicly however you can.
We look forward to seeing you at the capitol at
900 N Third Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70801
Start Time: 10:00 am
Soli Deo Gloria
End Abortion Now: