There’s a fascinating New Yok Post piece which draws from some reporting by POLITICO, the subject of which is the mass exodus from the Biden White House of people belonging to a demographic group Team Biden has made a particular point of pandering to. It seems the black staffers weren’t particularly in for the long haul…
More than 20 black White House aides have departed the Biden administration since late last year, an exodus some have dubbed “Blaxit,” according to a new report.
While some of the departing staffers have left on good terms to pursue additional career or educational opportunities, others have attributed the turnover to a lack of mentorship and opportunity, Politico reported Tuesday, citing nine black current and former White House officials.
“We’re here and we’re doing a lot of work but we’re not decision-makers and there’s no real path towards becoming decision-makers,” one current staffer told the outlet. “There is no real feedback and there’s no clear path to any kind of promotions.”
“They brought in a ton of black people generally to start without ever establishing an infrastructure to retain them or help them be successful,” another current official said. “If there is no clear infrastructure of how to be successful, you become just as invisible in this space than you would be if you were not in it.”
Some “people have not had the best experiences and a lot of that has to do with the death of black leadership,” a former official agreed. “Think about any workplace. Black folks need some person to go to, to strategize and be a mentor, and we just don’t have as many folks who can be mentors to us.”
The thing to understand here is these guys are all lying. They’re leaving the Biden White House because it’s a sinking ship and they no longer want working for this abysmal disaster of a president on their resumes. A year or so looks good even under a disaster of a president, but any more time than that and you start to appear responsible for the disaster.
Which isn’t a black thing. It’s an anybody thing.
Bad morale creates turnover. Even Biden himself has bad morale, according to this…
President Joe Biden is reportedly frustrated with his staff in the White House and their efforts to “rush to explain” something the president has said.
“The so-called clean-up campaign, he has told advisers, undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise. Worse, it feeds a Republican talking point that he’s not fully in command,” NBC News reported Tuesday.
The White House has walked back several of the president’s statements, including when Biden said that Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”
The president was angry that his comments were being interpreted as unpredictable, according to the NBC report. White House spokesperson Andrew Bates pushed back on the NBC report.
“The breathlessness of paragraphs 1 & 2 versus the denial being relegated to graph 28 tells you what you need to know about this story. And as we’ve said before, no clarifications of the President’s remarks are ever issued without his direct approval,” he said in a statement.
Everybody in that White House is tired of covering for Biden, who steps on his crank every time he’s put in front of a microphone. They’re all realizing that they’ve destroyed everything they’ve touched, but of course all Biden’s team has done is to hire leftist agitators without any actual competence at running anything – so there is no improvement on the horizon.
They’re even talking about replacing the atrocious Ron Klain as Chief of Staff with Anita Dunn, which is almost literally going from the frying pan to the fire. Anita Dunn is the moron who came up with the idea to talk about “ultra-MAGA Republicans” as the cause of all the nation’s problems, and rather than do damage to Team Biden’s political opponents she came up with a rallying cry for them. Now they want to have her run the country, as though that’ll improve their prospects.
The point isn’t that black staffers are leaving, it’s that everybody who can get out is getting out before the midterm disaster to come. But seeing as though this includes black staffers, that has to be an issue.
And the staffers have to complain about a lack of “mentorship.”
If you work at the freaking White House you’re supposed to be talented and experienced enough that you don’t need mentors. You should have had that well before somebody put you in charge of making federal policy.
But that doesn’t even register either with these adult babies or the media covering them.
We did get a kick out of this, as it’s related to Jeff Sadow’s piece this morning about Cedric Richmond realizing his career has hit a dead end…
Of all the officials to have left the administration, the departure of Richmond for a post with the Democratic National Committee appears to have hit particularly hard. A former White House aide described the onetime Louisiana congressman as a “nucleus” for black staffers, while a current official described him as a “big brother” and “the voice of those folks,” adding that Richmond’s leaving left aides “a little nervous.”
Cedric Richmond really shouldn’t be the nucleus of the Biden White House, you know. That anyone thinks he was should be a good indication of just how rudderless this ship really is.
What an abject mess.
November is coming. It will help, but it won’t fix this dire situation. The only thing that can do that is a clean sweep of these idiots from power and a bold new administration committed to drastic, wide-ranging, meaningful reform to get the country moving again.