GARLINGTON: How Many Occult Themes Can They Pack into a Super Mario Game?

We’re not here to spoil anyone’s enjoyment of Super Mario games (which we have enjoyed ourselves over the years), but sometimes, when reflecting on the content of a game like Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GameCube, 2004), one has to wonder just what is going on at Nintendo and other video game companies.  The number of occult themes and other psy-ops is fairly astounding.

Beginning with one of the main antagonists of the game, Sir Grodus, there is a clear reference to transhumanism, as he is obviously part man and part machine:  In place of a brain there is a computer contraption of some sort.

He is after seven crystal stars, which contain the essence of the heavens and have been placed in different locations in the physical world, a strong echo of Gnosticism and its fragments of divinity trapped in human bodies.

The Shadow Queen, another major evil-doer in the game, desired to use the power in the crystal stars to remake the world according to her wishes.  This too is reminiscent of the evil Gnostic demiurge who creates a deformed world.

To bring the Shadow Queen back into the physical world from which she had been banished 1,000 years ago, Grodus concocts a plan to use Princess Peach as a vessel for her to inhabit.  Spirit possession is as old as the oracle of Delphi and as recent as the satanist Alice Bailey and her teachings.

Grodus is the leader of a group called the X-Nauts, which he describes as a secret society, hinting at occult groups like the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons.

Their main base is located on the moon.  To get there, Mario must make use of a cannon in the Fahr Outpost, a region that resembles the polar regions.  And true to form, secret military bases have been established near the poles from time to time by real countries like the United States and Germany.

The main computer of the X-Naut moon base is called TEC, which has AI characteristics.  This is revelatory in two senses.  First, it foreshadowed the appearance of the AI bots we are all now becoming familiar with, like ChatGPT.  Second, there are NASA plans in place to build moon bases with autonomous robots.


Back on the earth, there is a chapter in the game that takes place in the Glitz Pit, an arena where fighters square off against one another to become the champion.  At the end of the chapter, we learn that Grubba, who runs the Glitz Pit, has been using one of the star crystals to suck the lifeforce out of unsuspecting fighters and transfer it into himself so he can remain young and strong well past his prime.  In this we also get a glimpse of the sick fetish with extending life by scientific methods of the globalist, technocratic Elite of Silicon Valley and elsewhere, as exemplified for instance with Peter Thiel and his scheme to transfuse himself with blood from young people.  That this is not an isolated phenomenon is hinted at in a Season Eleven episode of The X-Files, ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’, which centers around a cult with a Hollywood actress at its head who eat people’s organs and blood to ward off normal aging.

In a later chapter Mario and co. face off against a pirate named Cortez who sports the usual skull-and-crossbones symbol one might expect of pirates.  This returns us once again to the theme of Gnosticism mentioned earlier.  In this case the skull-and-crossbones is supposed to awaken us to the ‘hidden wisdom’ of the Gnostics – that man himself is divine, not God, and the only thing necessary for him to live that reality is for something to pull the veil from his understanding.  That is one role of the skull-and-crossbones symbol:

The great unknown secret behind the Skull & Cross Bones is that it is not a symbol of death, but of life. It was used by ancient priests and priestesses worldwide, from the Mayans in Mesoamerica to the Etruscans in Europe . . . Thoughts of death remind us of the transient nature of earthly pleasures, which are fleeting; this contemplation opens the door to the soul within, which is the eternal life within each of us.  . . .  According to occult wisdom, when we contemplate death we look deeply within ourselves. By “reflecting” in this manner we find a hidden treasure within us in the form of eternal “life,” . . . When an initiate reflects extremely deeply, an amazing thing is discovered. The initiate acquires the knowledge (gnosis)  that he or she is an eternal being or soul, endless and divine.  . . .  The truth is that we are not the mortal creature (who will die). We are the eternal god.

Another purpose it serves, for the occultists, is as a talisman of great power:

A great lady of Maraclea was loved by a Templar, A Lord of Sidon; but she died in her youth, and on the night of her burial, this wicked lover crept to the grave, dug up her body and violated it. Then a voice from the void bade him return in nine months time for he would find a son. He obeyed the injunction and at the appointed time he opened the grave again and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton (skull and crossbones). The same voice bade him guard it Well, for it would be the giver of all good things, and so he carried it away with him. It became his protecting genius, and he was able to defeat his enemies by merely showing them the magic head. In due course, it passed to the possession of the order.

That, friends, is the sort of thing that is hiding just beneath the surface of a lot of our pop culture’s films, games, music, etc.  Something to keep in mind as gamers await the release of The Super Mario Bros. Movie this April, courtesy of Illumination (no occult connections there either! – Illuminati, Lucifer), and as football fans await the Super Bowl and its halftime show and advertisements.




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