KNIGHT sHoRTs | AmerICAN Christianity vs True RUGGED Christianity

This important pull from KNIGHT TIME Ep 5 “The Trump Aftermath, the Intelligence of CHRIST, and Exercises in LOGIC” explores the limited role of Trump, the intelligence of Christ, and the importance of being knowledgeable of the Christ in the Bible in order to fight this information/spiritual war.

Matthew 10; importance of knowledge and not misunderstanding what true love (actually is called “charity”) is; the false American religion and Facebook memes; three Bible passages from St Paul; the heresy of the American religion

Jesus was not just a “nice person”; the deception of the devil in the Garden of Eden, now, and always; warping and deception; what true Christianity is; this info war is work and it is ugly; the sheer number of Bible passages that command that we be smart; why knowledge and love (charity) are not mutually exclusive

Why Jesus Christ was so smart; Matthew and the Caesar coin trap; the importance of getting to know Jesus on that level, and of using a reliable translation of the Bible

Media could not be embedded for this one, but it is available on the following links. Lots of food for thought here. RUMBLE and YOUTUBE

**I added this at noon on Friday because it perfectly illustrates what I speak on concerning the deception of “love.”



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